What you haven't understood yet, is that Pan87 is full of sh1t. A 1000 lay counts that's a good one lol, he didn't have sekc with 1000 different women, nope. He's very entertaining and looks pretty smart for less experienced DJs, yes he spits some real facts, but trust me it's BS. If the guys had a 1000 lay count he wouldn't sit here arguing with everybody all day. He is here because he as issues with women, like the rest of us. He reminds me Roosh V., a total scam. No hard feelings Pan87, don't waste your time replying, I won't read.
You can believe me or not I don't mind, I've been cold approaching since I'm 15yo, mostly dated models, hired guns or look alike girls, I'd like to show you pictures but I can't (confidentiality), my lay count is around 32-33. I'm a tall good looking guy with game but I also have personal issues, I'm transparent and I never lie about my dating life. I'm struggling with women right now and all the junk I read here doesn't help. I'm honest enough to admit that I'm having issues with women and I'm even honest enough to tell you that I personally message Pan87 a few times for advice (but realized he's BS not long ago). This forum has made my situation worse, that's why I'm leaving. Guys who believe this 1000 or 2000 3000 lay count from John Anthony or other piece of trash like him or guys who believe Roosh V., I'm sorry to tell you that you are pure idiots. And married men here, I just don't understand.
Too many fakers, too much negativity, too much hate against women, looser mentality.. Toxic. When I created my account 10 months ago,
I didn't know such terms as Chad, OLD, nexting, simps, etc.. Now I'm full of hate. I'm not like that, I don't want to be like that and I won't be like that. I have to unlearn almost everything I've learned here.
shoutouts to
@oldmanofthesea @samspade @DonJuanjr @SW15 @Suave1 @DEEZEDBRAH @cola @stringpuller @Robert28 @Modern Man Advice, I forget some. For you guys who want to message me before I delete my account, you're welcome, it's a matter of time.
Who are the moderators here? I forgot their usernames.
I wish everybody good luck, I'm out.