"Wedding Crashers" Would Never Happen in Real Life


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
In my social circle, I'm not sure it would have made a difference based on the attachment rates. I could see that as being possible if the wedding attendees include single women. Also, with the pandemic, dancing and wedding receptions might be happening less. I haven't attended a wedding in person since the onset of the pandemic.
The pandemic changed EVERYTHING for me. Nothing I liked to do was open for over a year.... the only upside of all that was I've saved a truckload of money. I have a cousin, who is basically a shut in, he is a contractor/programmer and worked from home anyway, spends his time playing Xbox. His life didn't change at all.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The pandemic changed EVERYTHING for me. Nothing I liked to do was open for over a year.... the only upside of all that was I've saved a truckload of money. I have a cousin, who is basically a shut in, he is a contractor/programmer and worked from home anyway, spends his time playing Xbox. His life didn't change at all.
Your experience is a common experience.

In a way, the hermetic guys have had a decent time since the onset of the pandemic. The upside for hermits is that the pandemic didn't change things for them. The downside for hermits is that most of them still aren't getting vagina. In the pre-pandemic world, most hermits were not master seducers of women with high notch counts. If a hermit was married pre-pandemic and has been able to keep that going, that would take care of getting vagina.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The pandemic changed EVERYTHING for me. Nothing I liked to do was open for over a year.... the only upside of all that was I've saved a truckload of money. I have a cousin, who is basically a shut in, he is a contractor/programmer and worked from home anyway, spends his time playing Xbox. His life didn't change at all.
Your cousin then used OLD to meet women?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Your cousin then used OLD to meet women?
No idea... I'm guessing he does, he has a girlfriend, he had to meet her somehow. But damn that was/is a match made in heaven. She's just like him, home body, doesn't like to go out, is a programmer, works from home.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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No idea... I'm guessing he does, he has a girlfriend, he had to meet her somehow. But damn that was/is a match made in heaven. She's just like him, home body, doesn't like to go out, is a programmer, works from home.
Its good you clarified that since the OP seemed to think your cousin is incel because he is a homebody and plays xbox, lol! How many people actually fit into a homebody incel stereotype? This is why its always best to ask questions then going by stereotypes.

Now your cousin may not have a high notch count, but by the sounds of it he sounds happy and that is the issue that matters. At the end of the day its who you are with now, not what you did yesterday.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Now your cousin may not have a high notch count, but by the sounds of it he sounds happy and that is the issue that matters. At the end of the day its who you are with now, not what you did yesterday.
Never been married, actually hate kids, never had any pets accept for this obnoxious parrot he inherited from his father when he died for a few years but his sister took it from him a couple of years ago. He's quirky about food, but has no bad habits that I know of, no smoking or drinking.... He is one of the best read people I know. His house is literally filled with books. Makes a very good living, invests wisely, not sure what he is worth, but I'm sure he is loaded. He has a Ford F-150 pick-up truck that he bought in 1989... it's still in great shape, but he rebuilt the engine and transmission at least a couple of times, he has something like 350,000 miles on it. He's not buying a new one because the one he has works fine. Hates tossing stuff out and would rather fix things. He still has the same alarm clock that he bought when he was in junior high school. He doesn't go out much at all, but he and his GF take awesome vacations to strange and unusual places for weeks at a time. Mongolia, Madagascar, Borneo, this year they are headed to Cambodia.

He likes to run and loves horseback ridding, and other than staying home and reading those are his activities. And yes... he is very happy. His GF is just like him, they've been dating for years, not sure how long but it's been at least since 2008 when I moved back to NOLA. They are never going to get married, do not live with each other, she has her own place and they both say if they moved in they would kill each other, which is likely true. Sort of falls in line with just be yourself, and women will find you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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Its a mid 00 comedy movie. Maybe well talk about disney cartoons next. Like did any of the seven dwarfs has a chance with Snow White or were they just simps.
The dwarfs (dwarves?) were all incels - they took the black pill due to their height (or lack thereof). Of course Snow White immediately hooked up with prince who had a major height advantage.
