Do you advise dating your female coworkers here?
Indirect, social circle game is the only way to use female co-workers to spark up romance in a white collar work setting.
I advise finding dates through your female co-workers in the majority of jobs and in 100% of white collar jobs. Female co-workers offer the potential of their friends and acquaintances. If Sarah is my co-worker, she may introduce me to Emily and Stephanie, and I may end up dating Stephanie. That's classic social circle dating through co-workers. Stephanie might be more inclined to give me a longer look as a dating option than if I cold approached her in some outdoor setting or swiped on her (Stephanie might have missed my swipe as a result of being overloaded with swipes or she might not be on a swipe app).
In the example above, I'm not likely to treat Stephanie as a pump and dump. I'm also not like to ghost, flake, etc. If I mistreat Stephanie, she will tell Sarah and Sarah will bug me about it at work and I don't want to hear about it. At the same time, Stephanie isn't motivated to ghost, flake, be rude, etc. because she'll know that she'll have to hear about what she did from Sarah because I will tell Sarah about her bad behavior. While social circle might not lead to automatic matches, people will treat each other more humanely through these means due to the consequences. With cold approaches and app swiping, women's social circles are never informed of her poor treatment of men.
Also, because the common acquaintance in the example above, these relationships when they form tend to be longer as well. There are social consequences for such splits.
I wouldn't directly approach female co-workers for dates in a white collar setting unless you've put in your 2 week notice and are moving on to another company. It's gray area about whether to ask a female co-worker for a date on their last day with the company after they've put in notice or have been laid off and are somehow allowed to say goodbye to co-workers. If you as a man have gotten laid off and the woman stays employed, don't ask her out because she will likely not be unimpressed with your unemployed status unless you have visible tattoos and a general dirtbag persona. Visible tattoos and a dirtbag persona are less common among white collar workers. .
The rules for dating co-workers are a little different in blue collar and low wage, service sector jobs.
It is a judgment call in these areas. In low wage, service sector jobs, it is possible to date co-workers because most low wage, service sector workers aren't planning to do that job long term anyway, so you end up avoiding the worst consequences of dating a co-worker. In blue collar, there are less females present in the workplace so you might not ever face this situation but it's more of a possibility in blue collar because blue collar doesn't tend to have feminist HR commisars and snowflakes.
Don’t sh1t where you eat. I would extend this to neighbors also.
Dating neighbors is not a good idea as well. In most cases, the answer is no. Home type and home ownership status are relevant variables to consider.
If you are a home owner is a condo/townhouse/single family home and she is also a home owner and you're in the same building or within 2-3 blocks of each other in a single family neighborhood, then the answer is automatic no. That's a close enough neighbor you'll see. Selling a house to get out of a situation where a romance has gone bad is a royal pain that can be avoided.
Apartment renting is where the decision gets a little bit more challenging. I would not recommend dating within my own apartment complex where I rent, regardless of the size of the apartment complex. The upside of renting is that the lease terms are short so you could let a lease expire and move if you dated a neighbor and things took a bad turn. The downside is if that happens mid-lease and you have to wait another 6 months to do it. Some men may be ok dating neighbors in larger apartment complexes (200+ units) but I still wouldn't do it.
In urban settings, one apartment complex might be next to another apartment complex. I think it would be fine in this situation not to date within your own building but date a woman in the next building over.