People would rather shoot someone than throw hands.
Absolutely. I'm not stubborn or prideful enough to understand that there are some folks I cannot handle and by 'throwing hands' with them, I am most likely contributing to my own demise. You can have that sh*t.
The smart will survive. The stupid brutes will all give each other brain damage. And that leaks out to other areas too, even guns. That's why the gang-bangers are blowing each other away, they let people like you shame them.
Natural selection.
ETA: If I break down on the side of the highway in Big City, USA, at 2 am and a car load of thugs roll up behind me, I am dead. Unless I have a gun. And in that case, I guess
@EyeBRollin would prefer I do nothing, just give up my stuff, because by dang, I owe it to the thugs. That's his mindset. It's like cancer. But what if, instead, they get out and approach me, and I fire off some shots, and they drive off, but one of them gets hit and dies. Isn't the world a better place at that point? And wouldn't the rest of them think twice about robbing somebody next time?