I’ve written at length (or better, ad nauseum), about how there can never be parity between the genders when it comes to sexual encounters. There is a one-way transference of male essence to the woman that never leaves her. Each encounter with different men after one or two starts to degrade her physically, spiritually and emotionally. The man is the giver, the woman the receiver. John and Bob, Larry, Fred and all the others leave a part of themselves with her and this changes her profoundly, including her physical appearance. Most of us older guys can tell the approximate mileage count just by looking at her face. Almost all women and the majority of men have no idea of this phenomenon.
High lay counts are devastating to women, and although many men can’t acknowledge that publicly, we all know this instinctively. Hence our revulsion of high counts. Give me 10 women and I’ll accurately estimate the lay counts of most of them just by looking at them. That’s how profoundly multiple sexual encounters erode them.
There are some women who are largely able to hide the erosion to most men, but it eventually appears. I have seen that most younger men can’t detect this erosion until they get into their forties or fifties. Then it becomes as plain as day.
It’s sad to see, but a fact of life. Multiple partners severely damage women from the inside out. There is far less damage to men, but a lifestyle of multiple partners for men is a distraction and meaningless dissipation of his power, generally speaking. He becomes a slave to finding the next great lay. Since there is little to no emotional connection, it is really nothing more than mastvrbation with a woman instead of a palm. Also men tend to associate self-worth with how many women he can bed down. It’s dangerous territory.
At any rate, men escape relatively unscathed while women decline profoundly with each partner. Nonsense to the young, but truth to many of the older guys who have been around.
All this explains why we are so repulsed at a deep level by women with high mileage.