Low T, feminized, emasculated, unmotivated, not goal driven, whatever you want to call it.
Ok, so let's do these one by one.
Feminized - I am pretty much disgusted by women and specifically the way they behave and their
truly held beliefs that they deserve this, that and the other purely for turning up. The entitlement
is staggering. I am not like this, I believe you get what you work for and that nobody is queueing up to give
me a free ride in any respect.
Emasculated - There is no woman in my life, nor do I want one. Nobody has emasculated me, I am content in
my ability to provide for myself, make the right decisions for myself, protect myself and my property and take
care of my own health, wellbeing and wealth. In my view that's about as masculine as it gets.
Unmotivated - To seek out the best piece of trash in the dumpster? It's no wonder there's no motivation
in people who realise disappointment is pretty much a certainty. I am like this. But also I get to do what I wish
without having to consult or appease anybody.
Not goal driven - To achieve what exactly? I can pay my bills, I have a home which is paid for fully, a decent
state of health, I can get around in a variety of owned vehicles, I've already seen a great deal of the world and
I'm too old to responsibly start fathering children so what exactly should I be driving towards? I have nothing
to gain or prove.