As I already mentioned, I don’t like people so this means I will never be in a position where I heave to deal with the masses
You don’t have to like people. You will however need to learn to tolerate people. Most will not see things your way or even understand your thought process, especially if you’ve been exposed to red pill truths.
This ability to utilise and in some ways exploit others is a vital skill that you need to develop to be able to succeed in the world of business.
Investment options are absolutely vital BUT just like how we recommend you spin plates with women so to you must with business and career options.
There is a caveat to this and that’s when your business or side hussle starts to gain momentum then you need to literally drop everything and chase that dream down .... and when I say drop everything that includes women.
Women come and women go ( sometimes abstractly some times literally ) BUT financial freedom is forever.