I agree partial with this, yes you can vet a woman before the first date, but there are "X-factors" or "Red Flags" you can't account for unless you meet in person etc.
I run two business's my time is valuable so I prefer to vet a first date in person (I'm talking about online dating here)
If I meet her in person than yeah I will be able to vet her properly especially through social circle. And your humble bragging is kind of cringe
Disclaimer: I am not going to go back and forth with you, so don't bother replying unless you just want to let it out so you feel better. But for the sake of the community here it is:
I'm not bragging for the sake of bragging,
through many trials and errors I have solidified my vetting skills so your issue happens rarely for me anymore.
I have gone through many mistakes and yes, awkward dates. Like I said:
1) I have learned through experience how to vet women out (and I am still learning)
And last but not least, doubt you've ever read any of my content here but as many members here know:
2) I do not use OLD and stay away from it
for a reason. Now, carry on as you wish but don't expect high-quality women on these apps for these reasons:
a) You attract what you are
b) Women that are there, are there for a reason
c) If your time is as valuable as you state, using OLD would be ironic, contradictory, and counterproductive.
d) It cultivates a toxic and superficial mindset around intergender dynamics, placing all the power on women and diminishing masculinity
So yes,
I cold-approach or meet women organically, and that allows me to vet before planning any date.
I have high standards and want to create real confidence and game skills. But continue using OLD if you wish.
Wish you the best and hope you continue learning and growing.
Modern Man Advice