The biological mechanics of sexual reproduction mean that women, as a result of sex, can be left in a desperate survival situation that places her in the direct mercy of her male mate. Who may, or may not, stick around when she's in a physically weakened and wounded state, and caring for an infant who is not self-sufficient for another 10+ years. Creating the opportunity for a sexual relationship with men to really fvck her.
You see, only in the last 50 years or so, in the past 30,000 years of human society, have certain segments of human society began allowing women some basic human rights, you know, like the right to work, vote, drive, live in their own homes, be outside in public, dumb things like that.
It's also why it's not as bad for a black person to say "I hate white people." Ignoring the precedents and historical context of these statements is close-minded, and unsurprisingly from you, Robert, chauvinistic.
And like we all avoid women who hate men, women also avoid men who hate women.