Just for the record, 6ft, full head of (now shoulder length) hair, pale green eyes, tanned, low body fat, multiple mortgage free properties,
cool motorcycle, guitarist, singer and drummer, gainfully employed, snappy dresser when I can be bothered, tattoos, good musculature, decent jawline, can cook, maintain a home and build stuff. GSOH which can be a bit blunt and outrageous sometimes, articulate, intelligent, occasionally charismatic, unafraid of confrontation, hardworking, compassionate. I tick a lot of boxes and I know it. My teeth could be better but am mid way through a course of dental treatment to rectify some of that and then there's the Asperger's of course which is a constant issue for me in just about every typical day to day setting and makes it very difficult for me to interact in a normal way with others. None the less, I get eyed up all the time by women from 20's to 50's, at work, at the shops, at my friends bar, walking down the street, wherever. I just can't bring myself to want to get involved with any of them whatsoever. Why am I here? Good question, but mostly to try and learn exactly why I'm not interested as I'm painfully aware it's not 'normal'. I'm very lonely because I find it so hard to form friendships, but not lonely enough to prostrate myself at the altar of todays awful, awful women. So there you go.