What are the biggest red flags for you?

Jul 18, 2021
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My biggest red flags while I was looking for a wife.1. Not wanting marriage 2. Feminist view points 3. Non - Christian.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I’m not complaining. If there’s one thing I hate about this forum is if you bring up anything you’re labeled as the most beta traits imaginable.

I’ve seen more whining on this forum about stupid **** then I’ve ever done so don’t even give me that.

I brought up what happened and what I plan to do about it. I brought it here for guys to weigh in. Nowhere am I complaining about it.

As for other red flags, she’s obviously trying to manipulate me into a relationship but that’s normal imo and something I can handle as nexting is the easiest option for me.

As for “maybe you’re not that into her” I’m not looking for a wife, Disney man. Being into her has nothing to do with anything. I enjoy the sex
Agree with first point. If you disclose anything some posters just scan it as a way to diss you.

I find just being honest is disarming. I am not perfect, I make tons of mistakes, I am not a “10” and I’ve never said I was an alpha. Most men are betas, so guaranteed most posters, they might not be betas in terms of being simps but a forum to help men with women generally will be 90% plus non alpha. Posters who come here to pick fights and belittle other men and their problems and desire to learn and build knowledge behind a keyboard are ironically the most bitter betas as it gets.

imagine being a stud, leading other men, and in your spare time you hop on to a “learn about women” forum to vent anger on other dudes. Erm…but, LOL


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Agree with first point. If you disclose anything some posters just scan it as a way to diss you.

I find just being honest is disarming. I am not perfect, I make tons of mistakes, I am not a “10” and I’ve never said I was an alpha. Most men are betas, so guaranteed most posters, they might not be betas in terms of being simps but a forum to help men with women generally will be 90% plus non alpha. Posters who come here to pick fights and belittle other men and their problems and desire to learn and build knowledge behind a keyboard are ironically the most bitter betas as it gets.

imagine being a stud, leading other men, and in your spare time you hop on to a “learn about women” forum to vent anger on other dudes. Erm…but, LOL
Agreed. It’s mostly projection and in his case I assume the guy is jealous I have a fwb. But that’s what the ignore button is for. I don’t use it often, only when people are being malicious and spiteful. Differing opinions are welcome, belittling insults aren’t


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Agreed. It’s mostly projection and in his case I assume the guy is jealous I have a fwb. But that’s what the ignore button is for. I don’t use it often, only when people are being malicious and spiteful. Differing opinions are welcome, belittling insults aren’t
i didn’t even read it but it’s a general pattern here and always has been.

85% guys shooting the shyt and 15% trouble makers


Jan 17, 2020
Reaction score
  • Saying she loves you inside of 2 months
  • Extreme appearance styles such as crazy or strange hair, tons of tattoos, strange clothing
  • Tons of guy friends, even if they are 5 leagues below her
  • Complains about things a lot (anything - the world, people etc)
  • Glass is half-empty outlook/attitude
  • Sh*t tests
  • Easily angered/offended
  • Lack of hobbies or interests
  • Jealousy/insecurity
  • Entitlement
Sounds like ever woman i have ever dated
The only way the culture can change and become healthier for everyone involved, is if men as a collective start holding other men accountable for having no healthy sense of dignity. We cant blame women for the way white knights, simps and soyboys treat themselves, allow themselves to be treated, treat women, and how all that affects women. WE have to change.
How did men even get to such a pathetic state? Modern man has no dignity or self respect. Nobody in my fathers generation would have signed up for onlyfans.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Agreed. It’s mostly projection and in his case I assume the guy is jealous I have a fwb. But that’s what the ignore button is for. I don’t use it often, only when people are being malicious and spiteful. Differing opinions are welcome, belittling insults aren’t
to be fair to him stringpuller isn’t the worst for this. He’s confrontational, but he’s not generally that anti social


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
How did men even get to such a pathetic state? Modern man has no dignity or self respect. Nobody in my fathers generation would have signed up for onlyfans.
High levels of mainly male migration
Feminism devaluing the family and removing male role models from families
Male institutions and male dominated social groups being made a dirty thing.

Bear in mind only fans is still only a small percentage of men.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
to be fair to him stringpuller isn’t the worst for this. He’s confrontational, but he’s not generally that anti social
He clearly got triggered and made some erroneous conclusions. A good quote I like to apply to people like him: “To a man with a hammer, every problem seems like a nail”

Not every issue is a beta issue


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
He clearly got triggered and made some erroneous conclusions. A good quote I like to apply to people like him: “To a man with a hammer, every problem seems like a nail”

Not every issue is a beta issue
thats a very beta quote dude:p

I think the red pill ideology overstates alpha/beta and it gets a bit doctrinal


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
How did men even get to such a pathetic state? Modern man has no dignity or self respect. Nobody in my fathers generation would have signed up for onlyfans.
i think its equally concerning how fast its happened. I was only at school in 1998 which isnt that long ago. I dont remember any kids being raised by a single mom alone


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
How did men even get to such a pathetic state?
another 2 reasons
*men now have scarcity mindsets on astronomical levels, where as before his G/f would have only had him or under 5 men available.
* even the worst members of society have the next fortnight of food sorted. theres 470 takeaways & 3 Mcdonalds in my town alone, yet i live in a "poor" area.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2021
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All women would have some red flags.

[Do not pass go, Do not collect $200, Run]

- Absent Father / Daddy issues
- Abusive Mother/ Mommy issues
- Severe mental health issues/ Medication/Therapy
- Drug abuser/Alcoholic


- Tattoos
- Piercings other than ear lobes
- Lots of guy friends/No girlfriend group
- Low interest/Enthusiasm/ Compliance
- Flakes twice without rescheduling


- No hobbies
- Spoiled
- Bad with finances/Manipulative
- Unemployed
- Recent break-up/Looking for rebound.
- Tries to control/dominate plans

Any of these red flags - Disqualify as potential LTR.
Christ, my ex has 2 of the don't pass go and 2 of the critical.

I can say you're information is accurate. Well done sir.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
  • Saying she loves you inside of 2 months
  • Extreme appearance styles such as crazy or strange hair, tons of tattoos, strange clothing
  • Tons of guy friends, even if they are 5 leagues below her
  • Complains about things a lot (anything - the world, people etc)
  • Glass is half-empty outlook/attitude
  • Sh*t tests
  • Easily angered/offended
  • Lack of hobbies or interests
  • Jealousy/insecurity
  • Entitlement
For Tons of guy friends
Do you mean here orbiters and potential fuk buddies?

My last plate has a lot of guy friends in her home country and told me once that all of them want to fuk her. Despite the fact she has a bfin home county
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Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
BUT lack of common courtesy....is my red flag.
Kinda like kicking a dog.
Don't do it.
Common courtesy.

It speaks bad against her family too if she lacks common courtesy.

On the other hand...if she's well mannered ....I want to know more about her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
Reaction score
For Tons of guy friends
Do you mean here orbiters and potential fuk buddies?

My last plate has a lot of guy friends in her home country and told me once that all of them want to fuk her. Despite the fact she has a bfin home county
Yes, I mean orbiters and f-buddies. Basically women generally fall into two buckets:
1. Women who have mostly guy friends
2. Women who have mostly girl friends

Most women have SOME guy friends, but if the majority of their social time is spent with the guy friends instead of girl friends, that's a huge red flag. Same thing for women who hang out with guys 1:1 frequently. It is also not a good sign if women are texting with guys a lot - whether the guy is in a relationship or single.

I have found through experience that women who have mostly guy friends operate that way because they are narcissistic and have a high need for attention and validation. The narcissistic component has to do with them focusing on themselves in friendship dynamics and there are two components to that.

The first is that they know full-well that any time they are lonely and want companionship, they can snap their fingers and have one of their many orbiters at their doorstep in minutes. They want to go for a hike but don't want to go alone? They msg a couple orbiters and immediately one comes over and picks her up and takes her hiking. They need help with something around the house? Same thing.

The second component is that they are all "take" in a friendship. Friendships should be about mutual giving, but these women have no desire to give anything, only take - they are looking to get their needs met. The only kind of person who is willing to partake in that kind of dynamic is a man who wants to fvck her. He too is trying to meet his own selfish needs and that is the need to sleep with a beautiful woman, and he attempts to do this by simping. His only desire is to fvck her and/or be in a relationship with her so he invests 100% into her without any requirements back from her and she absorbs all of it without giving him anything. Other women would not accept a friendship dynamic like this where it's all take, so this is why she has few or zero female friendships. I find that women like this claim they have female friends, and they usually do, it's just that if you didn't listen to them and instead watched their actions, you'd see 90% or more of their time (in texts and real life) will be spent with the guys instead of the girls.

All orbiters orbit because they want sex and/or a relationship. In 99% of male-female friendships, one or the other is attracted and wants more than friendship - usually it's the man who wants the woman. Even if these guys aren't a direct threat to you because you know she is physically repulsed by them, they can still cause problems. Nearly all of them will try to interfere with your relationship by trying to cut you down to her, or by always being her ear to listen when she is upset or frustrated with you, and in response to what she says, always siding with her and further cutting you down.

You have no idea if a guy is an orbiter or a fvck buddy (unless she flat out admits one or more are fvck buddies which few women will) so you have to assume all of them are potential or active fvck buddies.
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 24, 2019
Reaction score
Yes, I mean orbiters and f-buddies. Basically women generally fall into two buckets:
1. Women who have mostly guy friends
2. Women who have mostly girl friends

All women have SOME guy friends, but if the majority of their social time is spent with the guy friends instead of girl friends, that's a huge red flag. Same thing for women who hang out with guys 1:1 frequently. It is also not a good sign if women are texting with guys a lot - whether the guy is in a relationship or single.

I have found through experience that women who have mostly guy friends operate that way because they are narcissistic and have a high need for attention and validation. The narcissistic component has to do with them focusing on themselves in friendship dynamics and there are two components to that.

The first is that they know full-well that any time they are lonely and want companionship, they can snap their fingers and have one of their many orbiters at their doorstep in minutes. They want to go for a hike but don't want to go alone? They msg a couple orbiters and immediately one comes over and picks her up and takes her hiking. They need help with something around the house? Same thing.

The second component is that they are all "take" in a friendship. Friendships should be about mutual giving, but these women have no desire to give anything, only take - they are looking to get their needs met. The only kind of person who is willing to partake in that kind of dynamic is a man who wants to fvck her. He too is trying to meet his own selfish needs and that is the need to sleep with a beautiful woman, and he attempts to do this by simping. His only desire is to fvck her and/or be in a relationship with her so he invests 100% into her without any requirements back from her and she absorbs all of it without giving him anything. Other women would not accept a friendship dynamic like this where it's all take, so this is why she has few or zero female friendships. I find that women like this claim they have female friends, and they usually do, it's just that if you didn't listen to them and instead watched their actions, you'd see 90% or more of their time (in texts and real life) will be spent with the guys instead of the girls.

All orbiters orbit because they want sex and/or a relationship. In 99% of male-female friendships, one or the other is attracted and wants more than friendship - usually it's the man who wants the woman. Even if these guys aren't a direct threat to you because you know she is physically repulsed by them, they can still cause problems. Nearly all of them will try to interfere with your relationship by trying to cut you down to her, or by always being her ear to listen when she is upset or frustrated with you, and in response to what she says, always siding with her and further cutting you down.

You have no idea if a guy is an orbiter or a fvck buddy (unless she flat out admits one or more are fvck buddies which few women will) so you have to assume all of them are potential or active fvck buddies.
Good stuff. She told me that her male friend is coming and gonna stay all weekend at her place. So another fuk buddy.