Plenty of men would bang a fat girl, especially when they want to end a dry spell or are just starting out and need a practice girl.Fat is deadly. I went to lunch with the hottest 27 year old Persian girl the other week, but she a *little* fat, and it turned me off. I was more attracted to a woman who was 37 with 2 kids but fit and thin.
Fat girls don’t sell. Name the last movie / tv star (not music) who became famous and made millions but was fat. If you are a movie director, you are going to hire a *fat* decent looking women to be in your movie?
You see magazines like Vanity Fair, Sharon Stone is like 62 and taking pictures that sell. Why? Because she is thin and shape. Her face is old but still, Vanity Fair is taking those pictures. Look at Lopez, 52 and still taking bikini pictures because she is in shape.
Up to a certain age, I think the worst thing for a woman is her weight. There are guys on here that would easily do Lopez at 52. They wouldn’t do a fat girl at 32.
Of course none of them would actually want to date a fat girl or even be seen in public holding hands with one of them.