The easiest way to explain the scam. It's like a magic trick. A magician (in our case a gang of luciferians) does a highly advanced, well thought out magic trick. Most of the audience will be left in awe actually believing there is no way it cannot be magic as they watched his/her every move without seeing the slight of hand. While a small group will have noticed the magicians slight of hand that made the trick happen. Now if that small group that saw the slight of hand explained to the big audience after the show how it was done, some will feel dumb for not noticing it and admit it's a trick. What's left is a small number of people that believed it was magic no matter what they were told or shown.
Being this is the greatest trick in history, they needed an army to assist in pulling it off. The same way those pretty girls are used in magic shows to distract you from the magicians slight of hand. It's also a trick that never sleeps, its been constant for over a year now and some saw how the trick was done right away, others after months, some still firmly believe it's magic. The ones who saw how the trick was done have been telling the audience for a year now but few think it's a trick.
Have any of you ever seen a magic trick before that left you in awe? Come on, I know some of you have and know that feeling how real some of them looked. You watched the trick over and over without being able to see how it was done. Some convinced themselves it's gotta be magic because they feel smart enough in not being outsmarted. You know the saying "it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled. The Scamdemic trick is being done by the greatest deceiver of all time.......Satan and his army.
Cannot believe some here still talking about masks being effective. The whole mask debate has been debunked long ago. What most fail to realize is the ones who didn't wear masks never got tested cause they knew the PCR was a weapon used to inflate the numbers. PCR tests should have never been used which is why they killed the inventor months before the scam started. Otherwise Mullis would have exposed it all. Order some rona tests and put pet saliva, fruit juice or whatever you want. You will test positive more times than not. Even those dna ancestry sites are a scam.
The fact they haven't told the world this entire time how to stay healthy shows they want us dead. Cause everything they told us to do masks, social distancing, handy sanny, stay inside, all weaken our immune system while causing mental issues in some. Masks do more harm than good from people crashing their car due to passing out at the wheel from oxygen restriction, permanent scarring from rashes, serious to permanent lung infections/issues, people wearing masks forever due to the psychological damage it's done and some have died. Masks also show our enemy who is obedient and who has common sense. We failed miserably at this. We said all this stuff a year ago and here we are still talking about it as if it's something new.
If you're still skeptical about the fake vaxx. Call your Dr's office or a random Pharmacy and ask them to read you the side effects & ingredients. Call or chat with a random life insurance company and ask them if you die from the shot are you covered. If you're going to take it ask these questions to the nurse and read what you're signing before you proceed. Better yet, ask the nurse to show you the ingredient & safety insert that is required with every drug. You will 100% find a red flag. Red flags always lead to lies.
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