I can't wait to chug a beer when I get home from work. It barely touches the sides.
I can wallop 6 pints of 5% lager and still reverse park my van. Then again my existence
is more or less entirely solitary so I drink out of a mixture of self pity and boredom mostly.
Just being honest. I don't have a beer gut at all and I'm not a big guy, 6ft, 170lbs.
I've drank every day for the past two years more or less, some days 2 beers, some days
as many as 12 but that's when I go out to my friends bar where my beer is free.
I'm not especially happy in my life so maybe that's why I do it. It's either that or smoking
straight weed, no tobacco. I'm an addict, but I'm okay with that to be honest. My vices
help me cope with the loneliness. I'm off the weed at the moment as my employer has a
drugs testing facility in house, probably been about 7 weeks since I smoked weed. I tend
to smoke cigars when I'm off the weed and have had a few beers. I never , ever approach
women, most of them disgust me so it doesn't have much of a bearing with my interactions
with them. I don't care if they think I'm a loser, they can join the queue on that one. *shrug*