I don't think it's a stereotype as it has probably more to do with what age and generation they're from.
Isn't it the same with American men then?
Many men start to understand women's nature as they get older I guess. Plus men from older generations are used to deal with women in a more "masculine" way maybe. But still, in many cases men who look brutal on the outside are total pushovers when it comes to women.
But unlike the US, the laws in Russia are setup where guys can manipulate or hide their income easily to avoid or minimize child support.
Can't say anything about this one, I haven't studied the case good enough.
Wait you are from Russia? This is interesting. I think the stern masculine stereotype comes from Cold War era movies. The enemy was shown as stoic and scary. It is also perpetuated from watching combat sports. Russia and Brazil seem to have a disproportionate amount of fighters ( Fedor, Khabib, Yan, Alexander Karrelin etc).
Bro I didnt know that Russia was that progressive. Then why did Putin send people to beat the ***** Riots band girls that one time if Russia is such a feminist nation? Thanks for your reply btw
Cheers man, yeah I'm Russian.
I always remember the training footage scene in Rocky IV and the way they show Ivan Drago and the USSR

It does look hardcore but as you say, it's rather a movie stereotype.
Regarding combat sports - isn't it the same in the USA? There must be lots of fighters, maybe not all of them manage to win tournaments but it's just a matter of fighting techniques since it's the sport of records.
Progressive... To some extent. I'd never call Russia feminist, on the contrary it seems most people hate feminists. Sometimes, women can't get a job if a man is required in this position (and vice versa) but it's a very obvious case. Other than that women are not repressed because they are women, they can do whatever they want. Corruption is common when it comes to state-paid jobs as well, you can see an 18-year old girl being a deputy (maybe not exactly what they call it in Russia but you get the idea) if her father is the head of a district administration (there was a real case like that recently). And of course no woman would get a position if there is a son/friend/friend's son of a well-connected man/woman.
Pvssy Riot went to jail because they touched a political matter, not because they were singing/performing about feminism. In this case, there is no difference if they are men or women. And they weren't beaten if I remember correctly, they just were arrested and eventually sent to jail which was still awful.