The Young OG Project (Journal)


Master Don Juan
Nov 27, 2017
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I had a date last night with a 32 yr old Latina from Hinge and of course we met at one of the usual bars that I use for dates. This isn't the one I used on my last few dates. The girl showed up not looking as good as she did in her pictures. Things seemed to go well and she kept getting really close to my face when we were talking. I probably could have kissed her inside the bar if I wanted. When we left the bar, I walked her to her car. We made out by her car. It was a pretty good make out that lasted at least a few minutes and she was definitely into it. Shes not really my type, but I'm still down to smash. I text her a little bit ago and she replied.


The Asian girl from my last LR came over today. We went to lunch, then back to my place. She stayed for a while and we banged twice. She is a great girl and I'm definitely going to to keep talking to her. She really likes me.

I just finished getting ready and I'm about to head over to the same bar as last night. I have a date with another new Latina from Hinge. I'll post a report tomorrow about the date.
After the Asian girl left yesterday, I had a date with a 33 yr old Latina from Hinge. We met at the same bar that I had my date at last night. The date was a big waste of my time. She didn't look that great, I had to do all the talking, and I could tell she wasn't feeling me either. No kiss when I walked her to her car. I won't be hitting her up.


The Latina from Fri night stopped responding. She wasn't that great anyways. My best option is still the Asian girl. She brings a lot to the table and she doesn't want to date anyone besides me.
Hey bro! Glad you've been doing well with the Asian girl. She's cute.

Remind me, are you thinking of getting into a LTR with her, or are you still working on building up your options alongside her?

Hope you had a good Valentines' Day by the way.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Its been a while since I updated my journal. I've been in a relationship with the Asian girl I talked about on here. Things were going good but I don't think it will work out. I don't see a future with her. I'm not going to get into the whole thing. But, I'm thinking of starting to shop around after this semester ends.

They lifted the covid restrictions in my state a month ago or more. I'm fully vaccinated so I started going to the clubs again. I've been mainly doing it for fun and to hang with the boys. I do approaches and get numbers but have been deleting them. I told myself I wasn't going to cheat anymore on girlfriends but I've been tempted because things haven't been going that great with my girlfriend. Last Sat, I went to a club alone and did some approaches. I still was kind of rusty from not being to go out for the last year but its wearing off. I'm going to go out again tonight to the club with the homies. I probably won't break down my club approaches on here anymore. Its too time consuming and hard to remember everything when you do tons plus you drank.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I went out to the club Sat night for a little bit. I did 8 approaches and got 3 numbers. I had some really good sets. One of the numbers was this hot Colombian girl. She was with another Latina. I was able to approach them and run the set without needing my wing. She was calling baby towards the end of the interaction. The only thing that sucks is she is leaving town for a couple months. I'm not going to break down the approaches.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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Read through the whole journal. Very inspiring. You say you switched from baggy t-shirts to fitted collar polo type shirts? This has made a world of difference for you then? Even with chicks that dress more casual themselves? I wonder if this is more important for night game than day game.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Read through the whole journal. Very inspiring. You say you switched from baggy t-shirts to fitted collar polo type shirts? This has made a world of difference for you then? Even with chicks that dress more casual themselves? I wonder if this is more important for night game than day game.
If you read my entire then you probably have seen that I've had a lot of ups and downs but I've stayed the course which is important.

I did originally switch to collared shirts but that was only for a little bit. I mainly wear clothes from Express and H&M now. I wear a lot of v-necks. I found that polos and button ups made me look too dad looking. I would just recommend wearing properly fitted clothes and to find what style looks best on you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
If you read my entire then you probably have seen that I've had a lot of ups and downs
I was just asking because I think the post I read that from was from a few years ago. Now that you've had time I was just wondering what the final verdict was on that. Either way I'm going to have to switch it up.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I was just asking because I think the post I read that from was from a few years ago. Now that you've had time I was just wondering what the final verdict was on that. Either way I'm going to have to switch it up.
Ik. I was talking about my journal overall. But like I said in my last post, that style didn't work for me. You kind of need to find what looks best on you. I mainly wear clothes from Express now. I rarely wear collared shirts except for work, since it's an office.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I went to the club again Sat night. This was the best I ever did. I'm approaching without even thinking about it now. I'm vibing with more women then ever before. My conversation skills are getting better and better. I think it's because I stopped taking it so serious and stopped over thinking things. I'm also starting to notice that I don't always need wings. I sometimes will approach a set and I'm doing good, then a wing hops in and ruins the set.

I only got 2 numbers but I don't ask every girl I approach for there number. I also met a stripper that was telling me to come to the strip club to see her. I won't be doing that lol.

I had one set that went extremely good. It was a two set that I approached alone and I was easily able to run the set without needing a wing. One of the girls was really into me. She's a 29 yr old Latina who looks like she's 21 and she has a nice body too. I got her number and we have been texting since then.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
I went to the club again Sat night. This was the best I ever did. I'm approaching without even thinking about it now. I'm vibing with more women then ever before. My conversation skills are getting better and better. I think it's because I stopped taking it so serious and stopped over thinking things. I'm also starting to notice that I don't always need wings. I sometimes will approach a set and I'm doing good, then a wing hops in and ruins the set.

I only got 2 numbers but I don't ask every girl I approach for there number. I also met a stripper that was telling me to come to the strip club to see her. I won't be doing that lol.

I had one set that went extremely good. It was a two set that I approached alone and I was easily able to run the set without needing a wing. One of the girls was really into me. She's a 29 yr old Latina who looks like she's 21 and she has a nice body too. I got her number and we have been texting since then.
Good stuff, do you approach in the daytime too? That's what I'm mainly working on


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
I don't do a lot of daygame. It's low volume. I mainly do night and online game.
Daygame is really challenging me to push my comfort zone and have good conversations with women. I've tried night game but usually end up drinking too much and making a fool of myself

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Daygame is really challenging me to push my comfort zone and have good conversations with women. I've tried night game but usually end up drinking too much and making a fool of myself
It really can. It's a lot different then at night. If you drink, then you just need to learn to pace yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
Daygame is really challenging me to push my comfort zone and have good conversations with women. I've tried night game but usually end up drinking too much and making a fool of myself
Yeah try giving yourself a rule like one tall beer, or ****tail per hour or hour and a half. If you finish it, then order a water. That's what I do.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I haven't went out to the club in a couple weeks now. I pulled a muscle in my back at the gym. It's getting better and hopefully it will be healed soon.

The relationship I was in with the Asian nurse has ended. There was no future with her. I won't get into details as to why there isn't. We got into a bad argument. She came to pick her stuff up and I dropped her stuff on the ground outside and made her pick it up. I can have a bad temper at times. She was more of a rebound relationship anyways. She did help me get over my last ex.

I'm going out of town to visit where I used to live. I'm going to hit some bars there and run some game. When I get back, I will have only one more week of my summer class left. Once that's completed, I'm going to be back on OLD again and of course I'll be hitting clubs still. So, stay tuned for some field reports.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
My back and abdominal injury have improved, so I went to the club last night for the first time in at least a month. I was supposed to meet a couple guys but they ended up flaking, so I went out anyways. I grabbed a drink immediately when I got there. I eventually started approaching. Then one of my friends ended up showing up after all.

I did a decent amount of approaches but not as many as I had been doing before my injury. I had some rejections and a few good sets. I only got one number and another girl asked me for mine. The other women I wasn't interested in, so I did not ask for there numbers.

I'm also going to start using OLD again now that my gf and I are over.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I don't do a lot of daygame. It's low volume. I mainly do night and online game.
You're right about daygame being low volume. Pre-pandemic, if I did 2 hours in 2 grocery stores, I might get in 3-5 approaches, and maybe 1-2 would last 30 seconds or more.

I have experience doing outdoor approaching on walking/hiking paths, more commonly on urban walking paths. If you spend 2 hours on any path in a singles dense area, you're lucky to get in 4 approaches, and maybe 1-2 will exceed 30 seconds. You're competing with earbuds with a lot of the populace and sometimes with dogs for female dog owners. I preferred approaching non-dog walkers. Even better if they weren't a dog owner in general, though that's a big ask with Millennial females.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I had a date tonight with a Latina/Asian that I met on FB Dating. She looked better in her pics. We met at a bar and had a couple drinks. She ended up having two kids with different dads. I invited her back to my place and she declined. I'm not sure if I'll even hit her up. She is only good for a bang. I can't have anything with a girl that has more then one baby daddy.

Last night I had a date with an Asian girl from FB Dating. We also met at a bar for drinks. Her English isn't the best and she grew up in Taiwan. I didn't invite her back to my place because she seemed like LTR material. Then she unmatched me the next day. I'm just going to chalk it up as another delusional woman. She should be begging me for a second date.

Since starting online dating again, I now remember how much I grew to almost hate dating. At my age (39) it's like a dumpster fire out there. My recent Asian ex contacted me and is coming over tomorrow. She wants to give me what I want now. I'm honestly just thinking of going back with her. She brings a lot to the table. We only would argue about her work schedule, nothing else ever.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I had a date last night with a 28 yr old girl from Hinge. She was really cute. I think she's Indian or something. She's going to be officially a doctor in a couple years. I met her at one of my usual bars I use for dates. We had a drink and the conversation was alright. She doesn't like kids and I'm not completely sure if she was alright with me having one. No kiss close. I haven't decided if I'll hit her up yet.

After the date, I met some friends at the club. We were approaching like usual. I ended up approaching these two Latinas sitting at a table on the patio. One of them seemed into me from the start. They invited me to go inside to dance. We went out on the dance floor and I was grinded with her. I pretty much had my hands all over her body. We went back outside and she grabbed my hand while I took her through the crowd to get there. We hung out on the patio for a bit more. Her friend wanted to go to another club. I got her number before they left. It kind of sucks because if I would have known where my friends were, I could've had one of them distract her friend.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
LR: 23 YR Old HB 7.5 Hispanic Club girl

I met this girl a few weeks ago. She's the one from my last post that I approached and danced with at the club. I wasn't sure about her at first because of her response time with texting but everything ended up going as planned.

We met at one of the bars I normally use for dates. She showed up looking really good with a low cut top on that showed off her rack. We drank and things went really good. I was putting my hand on her lower back here and there during the conversation. She started touching leg near my dVck.

After we went outside, I asked her back to my place and she said yes. She left her car at the bar and we took mine to my place. We sat on my couch and eventually started kissing. I told her we should go to my room. It was pretty good and she even blew me. She stayed the night and we banged again in the morning. Then I took her to her car.