Guys, I keep telling you, hold out for the upper 3% and accept nothing less. I’ve yet to see a sh!t test from this girl. Zero drama, nothing but support, submissiveness and good will.
It’s great to have a truly decent woman to go through life’s joys and sorrows with.
How do you score one of these? You do a tear-down and rebuild of yourself. You develop the policy of judging all women while developing yourself into man of impeccable integrity. You take care of your spiritual life by submitting the the Lord. If you’re not such a man, you won’t even show up as a tiny blip on her radar. If you become such a man through sacrifice and toil, taking the hammer and chisel to yourself every day, you become visible to these women.
You guys would have voted me “Least Likely to Succeed” fifteen years ago. A naive, ignorant mess.
If I can do it, most of you can. All it takes is faith in the process, not faith in yourself necessarily. Embark on the journey and trust that your effort X time will = success.
As always, I’m speaking to the relationship-minded guys. If you have any questions, as here or PM me.