About the self-improvement, I’ve been constantly trying to improve myself the last years but I’m seeing a lot of friends who are not and who are pulling good women or are in (seemingly) happy long term bluepill relationships with women who don’t monkey branch. And it’s not one case, it’s a lot of cases. Some background, I’m 27 and from a western European country.
For me personally there’s no other option than to self-improve (a mindset I wanna live) because I’m doing it mostly for me but lately I’m wondering if it’s all worth it. Playing advocate of the devil here but why not go on Friday night coke binges, have a good laugh with your friends and go to the pub on Tuesday instead of working on your side business. I know it’s more nuanced than that but I feel like the self-improvement thing often makes me self-centered and less fun overtime. There’s probably a lot of flaws in my reasoning here so I’m curious to see what other people’s thoughts on this are.