This is good advice. I’d just add two things. First, learn to revel in stepping outside of social norms: cultivate a rebellious, oppositional streak. Don’t go full conspiracist or anything like that. But recognise that most people are rigidly conforming to what they believe they are supposed to do. Instead, be the guy who is on his own path. If you find a girl attractive and want to meet her, approach and go talk to her. This independent-mindedness is an attractive trait in itself; but you’ll also get better results than the average normy-conformy simply by dint of taking more chances.
The other thing I’d say is, don’t make an identity out of being good with women. Anchor your identity in something else, like your passion/career or whatever. You don’t want to be drawing your confidence/state from how other people (women) respond to you.When gaming, be motivated by attraction to the woman, not by the validation from the woman’s approval. Paradoxically, this will make you much more potent with women (but it has to be authentic: you can’t fake this stuff).