Yes they HAVE, but they aren't bothering to edit them, they are just banning them outright.
If one has children, it would be smart to preserve ALL forms of media from the 50's to the 80's.
I have a 4 TB drive full of XYZ that I also keep backed up on Blu-Ray. I have it on 3 continents and made sure all my friends (the normal ones) have access to it. They will begin with the cartoons first. Look at what is on TV today, LGBT, White Guilt, Social Justice Cartoons. They start with the children's programming because they are going to program children. Star Wars is a perfect example. There is a cartoon called
Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures
RE-IMAGINES the movies where Princess Leia is the action hero and the others are just her sidekicks. This is no mistake.
I asked my friend, the one I spoke about earlier [with the fat wife who said she would call social services if I didn't raise my kid to be transgender]. if he would like that archive. He replied instantly that those are "old ideas" that he doesn't want his child exposed to. I'll be completely honest, not sure whether their kid is a girl by birth. Whatever you believe of TV and it's effect on children, they are refusing certain 'kinds of thoughts' in their circle.... ya know the ones where boys and girls were born that way and boys were 'toxic'.
Get in touch if you value your children's 'education'. If kids don't have access to good media, they will most certainly FIND the bad. Look at any new video game made within oh... I'd say right after the PS1 era. All of the females are either tough ninja broads or COMMANDERS, bitching in the ear of the action hero... to where NOW the women are the commanders AND the action heroes. Did the JRPGs portray women as dyke b1tch commanders? No, they're all feminine women who act feminine and wear unrealistic combat armour that shows off their boobs.... now one only has to look at BORDERLANDS by Gearbox. You encounter a FAT WHALE for a mechanic [the only feminine woman in the game] and all the other 'hot' women are b1tchy, bossy, commander level broads. There is no 'romantic' aspect and there is quite a bit of gay propaganda littered throughout. This is all by design.
Has anyone watched Starship Troopers recently. It is essentially a feminist propaganda film. Seriously, go back watch it again. They started at the end of the 80s, ramped up with the gay characters in the 90's, pushed it harder in the 00's and now males are outright demonized in current media. Archive everything you value because it will either be completely re-imagined or erased from history entirely... along with our culture and civilization. We are entering the end period just before the complete and total collapse of the West. Which males will be left to fight? How many of the next generation of western men will even identify as males for that matter.
[0:30 to 1:20]
"Its a brand new world" while looking right at the camera.
For a more current example Cobrai Kai or Stranger Things. Season 1, no gay characters, no toxic male imperative. Season 2: Gay & Lesbian characters introduced, toxic masculinity, etc etc. They wait to hook the audience, then they slot in the brainwashing.
This was done in the 1920's in the
Weimar Republic. This is not a mistake or a blip, they've been planning this awhile. If you want to get the good media, you need to get the stuff that was made when Weimar's values were still taboo.
There wasn't a single passage in the books that were indicative of Dumbledore being gay, this was tacked on later. They want to hook your kids and then slot in the brainwash.
I'm sorry fellas but the west has fallen, the only thing you can do now is to preserve your culture and GTFO because soon you won't be allowed to write this/read this or homeschool your kids.