As one of our mentors, Allan Watts, eloquently said:
"The moment you take a journey, what an act of faith. The moment that you enter into any kind of human undertaking in a relationship, what an act of faith. See, you've given yourself up. But this is the most powerful thing that can be done: surrender."
There is a reason why it's called "falling" in love and not rising in love. Because in falling lies surrender and that is powerful.
The reason why you are afraid comes down to pain because love hurts sometimes. But, even in pain, lies something very powerful.
We know a few folks would say next her, f*** her, etc. And that's fine if you are spinning plates and you are in the phase of your life. But we are not against "settling" down. If you feel that way, go for it, just keep yourself in check and don't change. Keep your focus. Stay on YOUR path. That is all.
Hope this helps,
Modern Man Advice