How do I learn more about these?
- Don't invest too much, too soon
- Low interest behavior (indicators)
- Common red flags of women in 2021
- Let her earn your attention and time
This is typically the guy. We do the approach and we do the initial engaging.
I'm sure others can chime in and expand their wisdom/knowledge here so I'll keep it short as I don't wanna write a book on each one.
1. Don't invest too much, too soon - This can be both in the sense of emotions and financial/time wise.
Do not get your emotions or hopes high unless she has given clear indication or has earned it in some way. As soon as you get emotional, you become weaker and can't think straight.
Do not make too much effort initially when she hasn't proven herself to be worthy of you. For example, some guys will take a women out for a fancy dinner as a first date. This is too much investment for someone you don't even know.
2. Low interest behaviour - Examples: Does she text you back or respond within a decent time? Does she give you wishy washy answers when you ask her out? Does she cancel or always reschedule dates? Do you sense that she is putting you absolutely last on her priority list?
3. Common red flags - Examples, she always tell stories as portraying her as a victim(ex bf abused her, rape, harrassment, etc), She considers herself a proud feminist, She overly states her support for BLM and other left wing movements, she hasn't had a serious bf or ltr in 10 years, she tells you she has had a few abortions, she doesn't get along with her family or parents, she has 5 cats, she says she loves dogs more than humans, etc.
4. Let her earn your attention and time - In this world of social media, there are tons of thirsty and desperate guys giving likes and commenting on girls for no reason other than their looks. This feeds into her attention wh0re mentality. There are a lot of girls out there that merely want attention from guys without any intent of meeting up with them and doing anything with them. Be cautious of these attention wh0res and learn to identify them early on so you're not wasting your time texting them and to get nowhere.
Yes as men, we lead, we initiate, we do the asking. Just don't be a fool and know when to eject is all I'm saying. Some chase blindly without seeing all the indicators early on and end up wasting time/money/effort on someone that doesn't deserve it.