No blood, no mucus, just constant watery fecies. Yesterday it was explossive. I've gotten worried today, because I noticed today I'm having it for a while now. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more. I've had somewhat normal solids coming out about four days ago.. I'm just worried and need some input!
Think about this, for two months or so it's been happening, sometimes it's solid, sometimes it's liquid. I drink beer, it's happening. I eat chicken, it's happening. I drink milk and half an hour later it's time to go.
Maybe vitamin deficiency or worms?
Think about this, for two months or so it's been happening, sometimes it's solid, sometimes it's liquid. I drink beer, it's happening. I eat chicken, it's happening. I drink milk and half an hour later it's time to go.
Maybe vitamin deficiency or worms?