Most women dont have the balls for that.
I had something like that creeping up on me in my marriage. She started to spicen up her sports/hobby-activities with men.
I told her if this is how she wants to roll, i will be spending time with other women in my spare time.
She told me there is no need to be jealous, after all they are "just friends and colleagues".
I told her its not about jealousy, but what is okay for her is okay for me and she shouldnt dare to believe i dont have options on women to spend time with. The fact that i wasnt on a heavy metal concert or on a ski-trip for years doesnt mean i wouldnt like to and that there are no women out there that would join me.
This topic never came up again and she stopped inviting men to join her at once.
If a woman wants to play hardball, show her how its played.