No. That is incorrect. Low T is rarely a cause for ED. Estrogen dominance is usually the issue. Regardless of how high estrogen is, if it is higher than progesterone levels, you will have Estrogen dominance and almost assuredly ED. Progesterone is your bodies natural viagara.
I have been on TRT for quite a while with levels between 500-800 and have had some issues with that. I started reading about it and learned that progesterone basically counters estrogen in the male body and that it is almost always a progesterone issue not a testosterone issue that causes ED. Never have had an issue since I started using progesterone cream. Sometimes I wake up with morning wood so hard it feels like I am going to burst through my pants.
So yeah, that is true there are other causes but with the overabundance of calcium in the diet and with everything fortified with calcium, and with most people not balancing this out with D3, K2 and magnesium, there is a good chance it IS foretelling of a heart issue down the road...specifically atherosclerosis or calcium buildup in the arteries. Small blood vessels get blocked well before that happens to the bigger ones. I take all of those routinely and have regular heart screenings so I know that wasn't the cause of my issues.