Tech assisted sugar dating has been on the rise for ~5 years. You're absolutely correct that the barriers to entry are lower now than 20 years ago.
A lot of more affluent guys report getting more attention on sugar dating websites than on Tinder/Hinge/Bumble/Match.
Do you think the arrangements occurring naturally is better?
use what you have; why have it if it is of no use.
It's sort of like asking why a female 5 gives better head than an 8; usually. what one is better; it depends on the mood.
gonna tell a man that has the choice that he should fake being alpha when he can get attention all day long by just doing what he is good at. granted it is for different reasons, but at some point, we are getting too picky. it's still all OLD and most/many of the seekers are working on self-improvement, why take ugly if having a choice. either way, a guy has to be aware and careful. hundreds of choices vs begging.