For Millennial (1982-1996) and now the early part of Gen Z (late 90s/early 2000s births) guys, the environment is far different than our parents and grandparents. I'll focus this more upon my experience as an early Millennial.
As an early Millennials, my parental generation was the Baby Boomers. When the Baby Boomers started dating in the mid to late 1960s, it was a transitionary period from more traditional values to more promiscuity. I'd say this transitionary went until about 1980. Even the 1980s and 1990s were better eras for dating than today, and the 1980s-1990s were not great either. However, someone who started dating in 1985-1990 can probably relate to the current era more easily than someone who started dating in 1965-1970 and eventually formed a long marriage in the 1970s.
My parents divorced in the 1990s. My parents' marriage was not all that great and outlasted its useful shelf life by many years. My mom's brother had a long marriage that started in the 1970s that has lasted until today. His 2 sons, my cousins, both got divorced. I think both of my cousins expected to replicate what my uncle and aunt had. My uncle was not able to properly prepare his sons for the dating environment of 2000-present. The amazing thing is that both of my cousins formed long term relationships leading to divorce in much less populated areas (think smaller towns and midsize metros) than the mega metros where I have spent my adult life. That gave them an advantage of not dealing with hypergamy and endless choice to the extent that I have. Even with the numerous advantages they both had, they both ended up divorced, likely due to unrealistic, blue pill expectations.
I'll probably add more thoughts later. Good topic.