that book is part of the core study for many red pill programs. I am guessing you know that, so most RP folks will have at least knowledge of it if not having read it. it is a decent read, with easy to understand ideas.
about feminism. feminism is a form of transgender. the woman wants to identify with the traits of a man but also keep the prefered treatment of women. there are many more reported transgender men that fake being female then women that fake being man, but if we add in the hardcore feminist on the women to men side it equals out. most feminist do not look very feminine or act feminine. they do not want to be female, they want to be male but with prefered treatment.
is no kind answer to this.
there are plenty of women supported by men that live away. it is called a mistress and often comes with room and board just like a wife. they do however have to provide some services. no one rides for free.
the core definition of feminism is a fallacy. the sexes, men and women are not equal. they do have equal value, but they are not interchangeable. feminism wrongly asserts that they are interchangeable and only in ways that provide benefit, not in any ways that provide burden.
the key drivers of humans are sex and status. any solution must address those two issues and somehow use them to achieve the results for any solution to be long lasting. one of the things we could do is put into place a social scoring system that gives negative and public results about women that have sex outside of marriage(before, during, after). this would then tremendously reduce the social power of women in general and move men to want to have a wife. If men can not have sex without a wife they will want one. If a woman will officially and publicly lose status for sex with other than the husband she will avoid that. The end result is men working, and women nurturing the family(teamwork). no more need to game the wife, no more need to divorce, no more need for women to try to be men. this used to be the role of the church. multiple forms of easy birth control have made it all the worse, a baby without a father used to be the ultimate shame. easy to avoid that now, that leads to all the other problems such as women now required to support themself financially. it is a slippery slope with the first slip is to protect or hide the status of women that are doing sex with whoever and whenever they feel the urge.. that ultimately leads to ALL of the other problems.
this is excellent.
Excellent idea about sex and status.
It is difficult to discuss this as such a sensitive word is being dissected (f*ism)but it is important.
Thank you for replying metalwater.
This book is excellent. I have 2 pages I'm going to copy onto my white boards like I did with my emotional eating and atomic habits books.
I'm getting a lot of value from this book, even if I'm not a guy.
As I started to read your response I was hoping you would finish with a solution and it seems you did!
So sex and status must be addressed more than the fact of women on her own needing to work to provide for themselves.
Since we know women are the sex gatekeepers which then has a direct effect on the men gatekeeping for relationships(where providing can happen and women working/feminism/acting like men can end) really must start with women changing their sex and status views.
Man, that could be difficult. How to get women to see more value in their virginity and fidelity and hypergamy rejection in marriage.
Do you know how much consciousness that's going to take?
It has to start with women and not men showing this leadership because of the benefits in today's western gynocracies making it easier for women to change and have some protection from Daddy government/courts/media while doing so.
I cannot speak about currently married women but I can speak about myself and my experiences.
But the real change has to happen at the beginning hormonal years pre-15 and then the top form smv years for women 18-22 for these shifts in sex and status to be permanent and lasting.
It would be a relief to never have extramarital(singles) sex again metalwater. The damaging emotional and mental hits at failing again to secure a provider and also protector would end by refusing to date in today's high sex expectation marketplace.
At my age, the only effects I think I could have is by leading by example and at least continuing to refuse and avoid encouraging women to work outside the home.(keep turning down opportunities to speak to women about learning welding, for example)
The social scoring system idea would need some more specifics. I'll help develop your idea by thinking on this awhile. My first thought about it is like a HB scale that's widely talked it the SeStat score?
Its always effective to punish people in their wallet, as trying to comvince them to give up their 'sexual freedom' won't work. Women resist being shamed and taking accountability and responsibility. It has to hit them financially first or they won't change.
Take this whole viru s thing for example. It suddenly removed a workplace for a lot of women and men too, I know.
A lot of women have been financially hit and are now relearning and have the time and energy to practice homemaking skills.
I'm curious if their extramarital sexual appetites have been forcibly dampened now too. That may be a fire that's out of control, I don't know.
Another way to hit women financially to get them to change their views and practices on sex and status, would be to change alimony laws. I have never heard of any men organising media covered protests about divorce and family law. Protests seem to be happening for a mutitude of reasons but never that, surprisingly?!