I'm not sure if this is a troll thread but have you ever actually met or seen any of these "bodybuilder" types in person? I've been around gym culture since I was 18, I'm currently 30, and I have a lot to share with you about these men. This is long but something you should find very insightful.
For starters, most of these men you see online are heavily edited on their social media, they do this with lighting, angles, tanning, etc. There is a phrase these douchebags use when they are in photos together online, when one looks bigger than another they'll say things like "I was out angled by.....". Most of these guys are also short AF, I'm 6'4" and there is this guy in my area who on his instagram claims to be a "real estate expert" and "trainer", the guy is maybe 5'4" and in real life looks half the size he does in his photos. The guy literally knew nothing about training, wasn't/isn't in shape and just shows up doing fluff and pump exercises on machines and relies on all of these things I've mentioned, as well as steroids, which I'll get into below. I actually posted on his social media about this and he went OUT of his way to find out who I was, when he saw me in person he did absolutely nothing about it, massive douche.
They also rely heavily on drugs, getting dangerously lean and cutting water to look this way. Also, do you realize that these roid boys will have shrunken testicles, are sterile and that their ejaculate volume is virtually nonexistent? There is also a drug, none as deca, that is fairly popular and one of the side effects is "deca ****", meaning they have erectile dysfunction. In regards to personality changes, I feel that the men who get into "bodybuilding" and from there go on drugs had some rather negative personality traits to begin with (immaturity, narcissism, etc.) and that this essentially just magnifies traits that they already have, I'm basing this off of my observations and interactions I've had with these men. One thing I've noticed when some of these men would go on cycles is that they'd come across as far more ****y, as if being this roided up man was the be all end all of their existence. The interesting thing was that when they were off it seemed to be much less noticeable. Your stereotypical "meathead" who had little else going for him.
Getting more into personality, I can share some deeper insight into this. Most of these men, from my experience, seem to come across as rather immature and quite frankly just not that intelligent. A lot of this behavior I see as something I'd expect from a guy still in high school or maybe in his early 20s, like a star athlete, etc. However, the fact that a grow man goes around carrying shaker bottles with him, is constantly taking pictures of himself, checking himself out in the mirror comes across as not only OCD and narcissistic but far more feminine in my opinion. It's not a male trait to constantly be concerned about your appearance, akin to that of women doing their hair or their makeup, etc. Something that I alluded to earlier, is that many of these men are fake AF and that their lives are not what they seem. Rich Piana, a bodybuilder type famous on youtube, had a supplement company and claimed to have made his money through investments and real estate. After he died it was revealed that he made his money by being a drug dealer, mostly in regards to selling steroids. He also had a massive recreational drug issue, which is something I've seen with some of these men as well.
Which brings me to a final point that many are unware of.
Are you aware that the bodybuilding world has a MAJOR gay following and that it's culture was rooted from this? There were rumors that the late Joe Weider, considered the godfather of modern bodybuilding, was a gay man that had a fetish for muscular men. I can't post this on here, but there are several popular bodybuilder types that are famous on the internet that have evidence of doing gay porn. You can google search "Kai Greene grapefruit" or "Kali Muscle Chuck Basher" as some examples of this. I've also seen some evidence of these guys doing gay for pay, at a certain point the cycles these guys are on becomes ridiculous in regards to the cost and there is absolutely no way these guys are making anywhere near this with sponsors from this b.s supplement companies.
I could keep going on and on but if you have any further questions I can help, overall these are men that I'd avoid being around in a social environment, let alone if I was a woman looking for a relationship.