LDR is just not worth it, man. It will never work.
It's a platonic relationship.
Women need touches in order to build attraction. You can't touch her when you're away for too long. She'll find someone closer because he is emotionally and physically available for her.
Taken from
How long does passion last? Science says... :
She's not your slave. Why does she have to ask a permission on hanging out with her friend?
It's her way of saying that her activity wasn't serious.
Whether you did the right thing or not, the relationship is already broken. She'd lost her respect for you.
Move on. Find someone else.
Next time, don't be too insecure. By accepting LDR, you're putting her on a pedestal because you're willing to be put under her control (by being her boyfriend in status only) while she's free to approach other guys without you knowing any of it. You are her fail-safe plan whenever she can't get a guy to replace you. You need her more than she needs you. This is called being needy.
Neediness & insecurity kill attraction fast. In your case, it was long gone.
Next time, don't be controlling. Just because you're her boyfriend, it doesn't mean that you own her. She's a human being who has her own needs and wants. If her needs and wants is not in line with yours, then find someone who is. You don't build a relationship, you buy one (and to understand what that means, read this:
Anti-Dump's Machine (Part III: You BUY a relationship, not BUILD one) and this:
The Relationship Begins Before You Meet Her )
You've been this forum member for almost 6 years. Have you read anything from
DJ Bible or another posters?