It could be my RC upbringing influence that shaped my thinking on a lot of things spiritually. I'm now interested in something other than RC.
It's all good. I realize my views will be different or more naive than some posters here, that's why I picked the avatar that I did. I really take in some of the info from some of the posters as there is some good stuff in some of it. Forged by fire, the strongest steel has been in the hottest furnace. I have gained much from this site, but I still refuse the dark side. When the pain is stronger than the man's strength he will accept the dark side. The power in the dark is intoxicating. Sometimes the temptation is very strong... whole other story for a different group. Red pill truth can not be dismissed and can be found in all human situations, including religion, work, school, home, politics, charity, everyplace. You might also consider an account at something like red pill for women Reddit site.
I definitely understood your purpose in this thread. I assume it is genuine and you're looking for ideas and or support to help you choose how to improve your life and situations. And you might enjoy chat/forum with this group of assertive sounding men. Most of the info or ideas I share are from first-hand info. If you are ever in need of humor, just find and read my first thread in this forum. One of the red pill lessons for men is to not seek a relationship but to grow self-worth and interest in ANYTHING else and let the relationship appear from those other actions and activities. Not searching on OLD, but chance meeting while doing things we like to do. An active church that keeps us busy doing things that are interesting provides exactly that. Not sure the statistics buy MANY relationships start in a church. Don't go hunting for men, go hunting for an interesting life or spiritual growth. The men you hope to find are not the ones that went hunting women, instead, you want the ones that are interested in the activities and spiritual growth. While you are doing that be sweet and dress well.
I like your idea of LDS because I have first-hand info and believe based only on the posting you have done on this site, that group would be interesting for you, and you would accept and appreciate the male dominance model they use. you would be able to teach some of the younger one's things you have already learned in life at the same time.
I also like the other choices other posters have suggested. I have direct experience with three or four others. One thing is that any of those groups will provide better answers to this type of question than a forum of men looking for sex.... and healing from relationship wounds.
An alternate idea/group that might serve you well is United Methodist. Not a red pill group at all, but very tolerant of the same. Like Mormon will have smaller groups of ppl and you can build bonds with them. In this one, you will learn the bible from a literature point of view. what it really says and how and maybe why ppl would have written it that way. VERY accepting and inclusive.
Catholic is another strong group, might have trouble with your background for these guys. Lots of older women and older men that are dedicated. Very strong group outside of US. I don't see this one as providing you what you may be looking for.