I had my farmer ex tell me point blank, to my face, "I don't care" and a "oh yeah, well then why are the elevators still buying this(grains)if it was so unhealthy?"
End of discussion.
It is a crushing industry.
there are a handful of certified organic farms that are trying earnestly to do their best to provide healthful food to people they 'do care about'
Just have to be willing to seek them out and support them$$$
I hope your people can please and thank you consider supporting the local certified organic farms as suppliers.
Its hard work but worth it.
My word, there is a taste difference. I could taste the difference between conventional and certified organic produce even while I was a smoker for 28 years.
Back to the title of this thread, I would have to demand a full list of ingredients in this vaccine(there will be more than one ingredient probably) and exactly where it was sourced.
I see vaccines as a foodstuff because it is something entering my bloodstream. I see prescription medications the same way.