Will you take the covid vaccine?

Will you get the vaccine...

  • Yes, as soon as possible

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • No way in hell

    Votes: 18 42.9%
  • I'm going to wait and see.

    Votes: 15 35.7%

  • Total voters
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
First responders, healthcare workers, and the elderly will start receiving the first doses by the end of this month. For the rest of us, it will probably be the spring.

There are two shots required. Both make you sick temporarily and the second shot is the worst. People should expect to have to take a sick day for the second shot.

It is a touchy subject to force people to get a vaccine. I know the local healthcare workers will probably be told the vaccine is optional, but if they get sick with covid, they have to take that time off from their own personal sick time instead of getting paid to stay home if they do take the shots. Professional licenses like nurses will be the first to make it mandatory, under threat of yanking the license.

Major league baseball will probably not start on time in the spring, at least with fans, and one of the ideas already being talked about is only letting in fans who show proof of vaccination.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Its beginning already in the UK so guess the rest of Europe will follow in few months.

Personally I'll wait and see and try to postpone it as much as possible, even a couple of years.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
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I would be more interested in knowing the 'why' from (the majority of?) people that voted anything but 'yes'.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I have to. I will be giving them too. Our facility is already starting to put together a plan for vaccination of us, our patients, and first responders in our county.

I think less than half of all Americans will actually get the vaccine, at least in the first year. Nobody wants to be first, most don't have the balls or the empathy for the old or even the middle-aged and co-morbid. We are not a real nation anymore just a landmass with people.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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That said I think even an imperfect roll out of the vaccine will save lives and allow us back to reality sooner rather than later with the occasional flare up in certain areas or amongst certain groups.


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
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I would be more interested in knowing the 'why' from (the majority of?) people that voted anything but 'yes'.
How could you believe in anything where there are most cases a person dies from cancer and epidemic centre's are paying a lot of money for that person's family to say its corona. I saw many of similar things with my eyes


Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2020
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If you really buy into the BS that is the vaccine "chipping" you, what makes you think you're not already chipped?
Its not just me it's hundreds of milions of people don't want that. People are not chipped yet, the chipping thing has been going on for some time in masonic agenda and corona was just an excuse for doing it politely.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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Its not just me it's hundreds of milions of people don't want that. People are not chipped yet, the chipping thing has been going on for some time in masonic agenda and corona was just an excuse for doing it politely.
Nobody wants to be chipped, especially without consent. And hundreds of millions of people believing something doesn't make it true. Where's the evidence that chipping has been happening, or is even feasible?


Pretty sure I was a guinea pig.

I felt a sharp stick in my balls while I was asleep.

Turned out it was bible

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I attended a seminar yesterday and learned some things about the vaccine, and it's not as bad as I thought. I'll probably take it, when it's available, and not a pain in the ass to get (i.e. I don't have to stand in line for hours, etc.).

I'm relatively cautious and healthy, so I don't really need to be the first in line. I would imagine we'll know more about it by the time it's available to me in the conditions I outlined above.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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Mankind has generally survived without any assistance and by letting their bodies build up the natural immunity for 100's of years. Some have died and others have survived. I believe in this natural course of life.

I'm of the belief that if we keep assisting our bodies with synthetics, it could have long term affects in various ways and our bodies can become very reliant on outside assistance for us to survive anything moving forward.

Just like influenza shots that has become less and less effective due to mutated strains over the years, I see Covid vaccines going down the same path if humans rely on that.

I say natural is the best and if you're worried, do something about it by staying or getting healthy. The staying healthy part should be the focus, not some miracle drug which is the easy way out and not necessarily guaranteed. I haven't seen hardly any healthy people dying of this yet. Most of the people that I've seen on the media passing away from it were obese or had some kind of existing medical conditions, hidden or not.

A lot don't even need to be hospitalized. Yes it does suck catching this and having it linger for 3 weeks but it is nonetheless something that you can overcome if you're healthy. Right now, my friend's 81 yo mother got it and it was like a cold to her and she was able to get better after 3 days. My other friend's father is 82yo and has had it for 3 weeks but has been resting at home and is finally starting to get better. I've known about a dozen others with various stages but nonetheless, they were all healthy and didn't need to be hospitalized.

I think this could help those that fall into older, pre-existing medical conditions, smokers, diabetic, etc. people out there but I don't think humans as a whole should rely on it and instead work on being/staying healthy. My $.02

P.S. I also hope big government and other companies don't mandate vaccination to use their service. For example, I hope airlines don't require you to have vaccination before you can fly. That would not be cool.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I think less than half of all Americans will actually get the vaccine, at least in the first year. Nobody wants to be first, most don't have the balls or the empathy for the old or even the middle-aged and co-morbid. We are not a real nation anymore just a landmass with people.
I have the balls to admit that I do not have this empathy for 'most' of these people. Some obviously have issues they could not help, and due to that, I do wear a mask where it's mandated, and generally I steer clear of people anyway. But no, I don't have a lot of empathy for people who don't do the basics to take care of their own body. Self-responsibility is essential. I've made the sacrifices necessary for this, and due to that, no, I don't have to be one of the first in line.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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Mankind has generally survived without any assistance and by letting their bodies build up the natural immunity for 100's of years. Some have died and others have survived. I believe in this natural course of life.
Well, then by this logic I assume you've chosen to opt out of modern medical care entirely? If not, then I'm guessing(?) you're ok with not having services available to you for some non-Covid medical emergency because we just let this thing "run the course" and overran the hospital capacity as a side-effect.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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Well, then by this logic I assume you've chosen to opt out of modern medical care entirely? If not, then I'm guessing(?) you're ok with not having services available to you for some non-Covid medical emergency because we just let this thing "run the course" and overran the hospital capacity as a side-effect.
Actually, I've only been to the doctor about 5 times in the last 20 years. I've seen the Dentist only twice in the last 25 years. I know it's not for everyone as some like to do preventative maintenance and checkups. I'm more oldschool kind of guy and subscribe to don't fix what ain't broke type of thought process. It's not for everyone and I'm not here to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat like a lot of people out there. People should do what works best for their sanity, health, conditions, environment.

Funny story, last time I saw my doctor(pretty sure Covid related before it became mainstream), he kind of nudged me to get a physical but he also knew I was one of these hard headed guys and suggested it in a relaxed joking way. That's why he's still my doctor.

Edit: I know my body and I'm one of those anti-hypochondriacs that will only go in if I feel like I might die. So yes I'm ok with not have services available. I'm used to living that way and there are other alternatives too(Eastern medicine, homeopathics, etc).
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Nobody wants to be chipped, especially without consent. And hundreds of millions of people believing something doesn't make it true. Where's the evidence that chipping has been happening, or is even feasible?
I think they are putting a bio-luminescent enzyme on it so that people who have the vaccine could be confirmed by electronics interacting with that enzyme. The name of the enzyme is called luciferase https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferase - I've included a link about it.

Are you really comfortable with any ingredient in a vaccine with the name of "lucifer" on it?

There are other ideas that there could be some subtle ingredient that changes the DNA structure to make people more anti-christ or more hostile towards God. So, what spiritual-effect a vaccine like that would have on people is also another story and that can't be measured on a laboratory. Personality changes won't be reported as a side-effect.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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If I eventually take the vaccine, I will make sure it's inserted on my LEFT arm or LEGs but refuse 100% if it's inserted on my RIGHT arm.
This is to distance this in my mind from being the 'mark of the beast" which is only supposed to be inserted on the right hand and forehead.
(Rev 13:16). If there is any superstition regarding this vaccine being associated with the anti-christ, then this is the logical antidote.

Also if my mother doesn't take it, it could influence my decision especially if this vaccine doesn't really kill the virus and just makes me asymptomatic if i get the virus. If it actually kills the virus and prevents me from spreading it to my mother (who is refusing this vaccine), then I'll take it on the LEFT arm or legs only. I'll have to rent a hotel for the second shot so that if there is any extreme reaction to a vaccine, it will be in a nice hotel suite by myself.
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