25-34 year olds will generate a solid amount of interest. Most of us guys would be impressed by the number of options that they have. A 30-34 childless woman with a BMI below 25 won't see that much of a diminishment in quantity of options compared to her life 5-7 years earlier.
25-29 year olds still were fielding a fair amount of in-person approaches prior to COVID. I think 30-34 would likely notice diminished in-person approaches, but they'd make up the difference and more on swipe apps and Instagram.
Yes. Even still, they do well. They are often being too fussy.
With website and later swipe app dating, many men were getting more dates, but these dates were mostly worthless dates (one date, no sex, no future in person interaction). Once you've been burned a lot with those types of dates, you're more cautious about your dates. You might even pull off of the swipe apps and focus on getting dates by in-person means, where you will get fewer dates but potentially dates that might be worthwhile.