Girl I know posted this today. She’s lucky she looks a lot younger than she is but still catching up to her.
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When the likes stop coming on their posts, and pics, When the dozens of thirsty b@stards stop calling, they stop texting, when the free attention and validation drys up and when the friendzoned freddy's stop coming around, when even they stop returning her calls even they take forever to answer her texts, they no longer volunteer to fixing her car, her broken back deck and are no longer taking her out for free meals, suddenly she wonders if there is that special guy out there for her . Never before. She doesn't give a s#it about the wake of havoc she has left or give one thought about the guys she used and abused in her 20s and early 30s. It isn't until she sees the wall and she isn't ready for it, that she suddenly seem to wonder about that special someone.
I had to smirk when she said "dangelin from a string, twirling in a pool of false hope," because you wonder how many guys she did that to, and gave no thought or care about them when she was doing it and now realizes what goes around does comes around.