This is a great point. Especially with all these horndog posts I've seen on here lately.. Dudes with kids whos marriages ruined being forced to move out wanting 3 somes with roommates they just moved in , some other kid wanting a fantasy like moment at the gym where he goes in and ends up piping a broad he just met.. Some other kid talking about lining up 5 girls at a hotel with their asses out claiming he can outlast all of them.. What a fantasy. These dudes are something else man..
Besides that, a lot of men these days are more like women. THey fantasize alot, they analyze everything, they go asking other guys their opinions almost strategically. I will never sacrifice my values as a man no matter what the climate.
Nothing wrong with having a game plan, or talking to other mean bout stuff. But, if you aren't a specific type of man, you can never fake it. You can't replicate game, and you can't buy experience overnight. Especially considering how confident women are these compared to men.