Thanks to clown world, women are settling down at post-wall only. 30+ and RISING
This means that adolescence for the WHOLE population is getting longer. Men especially, now have to stay high value and good looking for as long as possible
You cannot just be Chad in your teens and 20's anymore. You must now be Chad well into your 30's and even your 40's and 50's
It's absolutley brutal to think that a guy who slayed house at 21 will find it difficult or maybe even impossible when he hits the market at 31. And I've seen it happen
This is why I got a hair transplant when I turned 30 and it was the best decision I ever made. I still get interest from girls half my age and my value in the market has not decreased (important)
At this point in time for men it's about longevity and staying in the game, perhaps even longer than the women. That's where the power resides
This means that adolescence for the WHOLE population is getting longer. Men especially, now have to stay high value and good looking for as long as possible
You cannot just be Chad in your teens and 20's anymore. You must now be Chad well into your 30's and even your 40's and 50's
It's absolutley brutal to think that a guy who slayed house at 21 will find it difficult or maybe even impossible when he hits the market at 31. And I've seen it happen
This is why I got a hair transplant when I turned 30 and it was the best decision I ever made. I still get interest from girls half my age and my value in the market has not decreased (important)
At this point in time for men it's about longevity and staying in the game, perhaps even longer than the women. That's where the power resides