So I was *BLESSED* to have had some GREAT women in my life that loved me, at times even more than my own mother and yes it is possible. I messed some of those up.
Later in life, I had an experience that allows me to speak first hand on someone marrying you specifically to get a child or two out of you. Once their motive is met, what they did to bait you in stops.
aww, well, try to remember the good ones and realise maybe you needed more than they provided.
That Dr. BoA said something to the effect that women don't know that 'everything I did for him and everything I gave him' simply wasn't enough for what he needed.
This MUST be communicated to a good woman even though it will sting at first.
Then detail, detail, detail what one does need in total; right at the beginning of sex for the first time.
Why not lay it all on the line?
Some women, like me, can see where they're lacking but haven't broke through the plexiglass barrier of results from her efforts.
Like I've wrote before on here, my 110% effort is still only viewed as 55% effort from guys.
I can see what they see but I'm trapped at that output level results, like a retard or something-sorry that's not PC