The TRUTH About the "3-Day Wait Between Dates to Call" Rule...

Jun 11, 2020
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Los Angeles
So... I already know this is probably going to be an unagreed-upon topic, lol.

I've seen so many men over the years on various forums online ask this question: "How many days between dates should I wait to call a woman?" And there are many people who have different answers. Some feel that, if the woman likes you enough after that first date, it shouldn't matter, and that you should be able to call/text her right away. Others feel you need to wait x-amount of days before asking for that second date.

I have my own feelings about it, and made a video talking about it:

Feel free to share your thoughts below!


Sep 8, 2020
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No two people or situations are the same..when idiots start learning this they'll start using their 5 senses and that big gray mass in their skulls to make common sense out of things. If someone is bad at social dynamics they need not date to begin with.


Sep 10, 2014
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The more rules you follow the more you will end up screwing up. Rules are training wheels and should only be used by absolute beginners. After that they need to start forgetting rules and start using judgement because every situation is different and fluid.

Also if a woman is interested this rule is usually out the window anyway because she will be contacting you first after the date. Some guys will take this "rule" and probably not text back for 3 days still.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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No two people or situations are the same..when idiots start learning this they'll start using their 5 senses and that big gray mass in their skulls to make common sense out of things. If someone is bad at social dynamics they need not date to begin with.
What particular parts of social dynamics in your opinion are the most important things to be aware of? ( say there's a top 5 ) Name several common situations?

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
So... I already know this is probably going to be an unagreed-upon topic, lol.

I've seen so many men over the years on various forums online ask this question: "How many days between dates should I wait to call a woman?" And there are many people who have different answers. Some feel that, if the woman likes you enough after that first date, it shouldn't matter, and that you should be able to call/text her right away. Others feel you need to wait x-amount of days before asking for that second date.

I have my own feelings about it, and made a video talking about it:

Feel free to share your thoughts below!
Before I even finish watching this I felt compelled to comment.

The person who pursues, who is more dominant?, who set up the date is the person who texts or calls first after the first date with NO specific minimum day wait rule.

The last two in the past 7 years was me.

But I'm uncalibrated and have limited success so I could change.


Sep 10, 2014
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From a guy's perspective, I have always found almost without exception if a woman texts you first after an initial date she wants to see you again.

If you are texting her first, it's 50/50 no matter how well the date went in your mind.


Nov 2, 2011
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On first honey moon night, no matter which way you do it, result should be the same.
-Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

I use wait till shecalls or messages rule and if she doesn’t call or message myself. Time is generally two days. She’l message generally same day.

p.s. I’m about to name these two flies at the bar,I see them flying at the local bar 3rd fcking day in a row.


Master Don Juan
Apr 28, 2018
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The rules (better referred to as "guidelines" in my mind) were developed to curb overly-eager/aspiring DJs from contacting chicks too much and too frequently. Generally speaking, less is more when it comes to communication with a potential plate. I agree with another poster referring to them as "training wheels" where they generally will help you get where you need to go.

However, once you have enough confidence you don't need any rules at all. Once you have the confidence to simply do what you want (and women will pick up on this), you are free to do/say almost anything within reason. At that point, rules like the classics "no double texting" or "3 days between calls" don't even need to be adhered to. It takes awhile to get there and usually is going to require an abundance mentality. If you don't have that then you risk coming off too needy. Hence why these guidelines exist in the first place.
Jun 11, 2020
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Los Angeles
Also if a woman is interested this rule is usually out the window anyway because she will be contacting you first after the date. Some guys will take this "rule" and probably not text back for 3 days still.
I know, right?? And I mention in the video that part of the reason you want to wait is that, if you have it in your head to wait a few days to call, she'll be more apt to reach out to YOU first, which allows you to better gauge her interest vs. if you had called/text her sooner. Most men are usually in their heads saying "if I don't text/call her right away she won't know I like her," not realizing that, were they more patient, she'd reach out first - and, if she's chasing you, she can't be replacing you.

Plus, OF COURSE you'd text her back if she reaches out first. Even with that, though, the purpose of using the phone should always, in my opinion, be used to set up the next date. Her reaching out is actually a good way to read that she probably wants that to happen, so of course you need to respond. That said, that doesn't mean (a) you need to respond back right away, and (b) that you must now have a marathon texting session with her. You still want to keep your responses at a ratio where she's doing more texting than you (most men start spilling out paragraphs of text, which is uuuuuugh), and... well, I have a whole free e-Book on texting in my signature, otherwise I'd be typing all day lol

The rules (better referred to as "guidelines" in my mind) were developed to curb overly-eager/aspiring DJs from contacting chicks too much and too frequently. Generally speaking, less is more when it comes to communication with a potential plate. I agree with another poster referring to them as "training wheels" where they generally will help you get where you need to go.

However, once you have enough confidence you don't need any rules at all. Once you have the confidence to simply do what you want (and women will pick up on this), you are free to do/say almost anything within reason. At that point, rules like the classics "no double texting" or "3 days between calls" don't even need to be adhered to. It takes a while to get there and usually is going to require an abundance mentality. If you don't have that then you risk coming off too needy. Hence why these guidelines exist in the first place.
I actually agree in the sense that not every single woman you date will stop having feelings for you if you call or text her the day after the date. However, what I teach are things designed to help increase the probability of dating success. Between my own dating experience and observing the dating lives of men I've coached and women friends who have dated men, my conclusion has been that the men who are most successful are the ones that aren't trying to call their dates back right away. Heck, I've had more success increasing the attraction of women with whom I barely text with on the phone, than those who I was hitting up every day.

Besides, most women actually complain about men who text them too much and get turned off very easily. Why risk it if you don't have to? And I think having the abundance mentality actually helps with this - when you have that mindset, you don't have to worry about texting/calling right away because on the off-chance it turns her off, you know you have other women you can talk to. But again, in my exerpience, less texting usually gets them highly interested in me at a much faster pace.


Sep 8, 2020
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What particular parts of social dynamics in your opinion are the most important things to be aware of? ( say there's a top 5 ) Name several common situations?
Interpersonal communication and experience. Because no one knows everything about any situation. You can have great social skills but still won't know whats really going on in someone head without at least communicating with them to get information or being able to get them in front of you to sense body language and behavior, which are two things that i believe come from experience though can be studied as well to supplement ones own knowledge of verbal and non verbal communication.

Now, generally speaking (not related to this topic) even then it may be hard to gauge what's going on in a situation, especially if the person isn't really talking or its hard to get them in front of you. Which is why its helpful to even have interpersonal communication with lets say other perspectives, friends, especially female friends to gain insight (though once you learn possibilities well enough you may no longer need to ask your friends for perspectives and angles on situations with women because you may have accumulated a robust idea of vast proportions of ideas and possibilities).

Though through just vast experience with different personalities with men and women you gain social knowledge that helps. It helps to also be culturally aware so theres a bit of anthropological and sociological aspects there.

Furthermore, as i keep preaching.. when anyone says super generalized stuff it already tells me they dont know how different people and personalities and behaviors can be. Not to toot my own horn but this is why im glad to have had over 13 different relationships and casual dated much much more. But besides that im grateful to have met and made hundreds of friends.

Lastly, just think of how many variables and vast possibilities are in life to answer the miniscule questions we ask such as why someone hasn't texted us. We fail to realize the importance we put in certain things at given times isn't to be matched by the other person more often than not. Because when things work smoothly we either dont or still might ask questions.. so when they dont go our way we ask a question that may have hundreds of different possibilities


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Interpersonal communication and experience. Because no one knows everything about any situation. You can have great social skills but still won't know whats really going on in someone head without at least communicating with them to get information or being able to get them in front of you to sense body language and behavior, which are two things that i believe come from experience though can be studied as well to supplement ones own knowledge of verbal and non verbal communication.

Now, generally speaking (not related to this topic) even then it may be hard to gauge what's going on in a situation, especially if the person isn't really talking or its hard to get them in front of you. Which is why its helpful to even have interpersonal communication with lets say other perspectives, friends, especially female friends to gain insight (though once you learn possibilities well enough you may no longer need to ask your friends for perspectives and angles on situations with women because you may have accumulated a robust idea of vast proportions of ideas and possibilities).

Though through just vast experience with different personalities with men and women you gain social knowledge that helps. It helps to also be culturally aware so theres a bit of anthropological and sociological aspects there.

Furthermore, as i keep preaching.. when anyone says super generalized stuff it already tells me they dont know how different people and personalities and behaviors can be. Not to toot my own horn but this is why im glad to have had over 13 different relationships and casual dated much much more. But besides that im grateful to have met and made hundreds of friends.

Lastly, just think of how many variables and vast possibilities are in life to answer the miniscule questions we ask such as why someone hasn't texted us. We fail to realize the importance we put in certain things at given times isn't to be matched by the other person more often than not. Because when things work smoothly we either dont or still might ask questions.. so when they dont go our way we ask a question that may have hundreds of different possibilities
What if your wife shares all these details and things with a guy who works in her company but a thousand miles away but acts closed and guarded with you? She shares thoughts that could make you twos situation better. You guys do have sex once or twice a week shes just closed off and guarded with you.


Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
What if your wife shares all these details and things with a guy who works in her company but a thousand miles away but acts closed and guarded with you? She shares thoughts that could make you twos situation better. You guys do have sex once or twice a week shes just closed off and guarded with you.
In a situation like this, which is albeit quite generalized and vague.. It helps to be a socially confident and experienced man or adept at communication. A socially confident man will likely have rapport with his wifes friends and can gain much insight from them, can tell by behaviors around the house what's going on, be able to prod her with communication. I mean communication can get really friggin advanced in the way you can give information to get information.. I mean, it's hard to explain that in a post, but I can even say that, I myself am not completely adept in communication. But I have learned a thing or two.

Funny thing, but one of the most basic ways to get information out of people that they might withhold or be shy to talk about is to get them liquored up. You can do this in a way that they have no idea whats going on and might just be having a fun night out.. But, the 2nd part to that is to trigger feelings and suggest topics related to what you want to seek info out of, but never directly on the mark. You can do this through anecdote. "man so you know ROb? yeah my friend yeah he was bitching about so and so .. blah blah". but have it relate to whatever you're trying to get.

This is just a very loose and baseline example, so

If you are speaking of something specific in your life right now, feel free to reach out to me in PM.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
In a situation like this, which is albeit quite generalized and vague.. It helps to be a socially confident and experienced man or adept at communication. A socially confident man will likely have rapport with his wifes friends and can gain much insight from them, can tell by behaviors around the house what's going on, be able to prod her with communication. I mean communication can get really friggin advanced in the way you can give information to get information.. I mean, it's hard to explain that in a post, but I can even say that, I myself am not completely adept in communication. But I have learned a thing or two.
I know you are talking about the things they don't say, by their body languages, by the timings of their responses, by their tones and their facial expressions. In that particular case, I felt the wife had some sort of competition going on with the husband. I think she feels more "popular" than him, and he's not a big part of her direct circles. If he was part of "her" circles, they would monitor him and appraise her of his thoughts and wereabouts. He was stuck trying to get her to open up, but he would've been better served expanding himself in the world outside of her, regaining his own popularity. It was clear she intentionally did not want to open up to him for whatever reason, but she was willing to share those details with others ( too far away to fvck but still ).

Funny thing, but one of the most basic ways to get information out of people that they might withhold or be shy to talk about is to get them liquored up. You can do this in a way that they have no idea whats going on and might just be having a fun night out.. But, the 2nd part to that is to trigger feelings and suggest topics related to what you want to seek info out of, but never directly on the mark. You can do this through anecdote. "man so you know ROb? yeah my friend yeah he was bitching about so and so .. blah blah". but have it relate to whatever you're trying to get.
I figured the same thing, with even several drinks some of those details just below the surface would be shared.

In that particular situation the wife only drinks around her husband several times a year. She goes out of her way to avoid it! I suspect it's because she knows she will "open up" more around him, and she's cautiously guarded. However with girlfriends and when she does go out 2-3 times a month she will have some drinks, she doesn't get drunk often, but she does get buzzed, and she's not a strong drinker.

This is just a very loose and baseline example, so

If you are speaking of something specific in your life right now, feel free to reach out to me in PM.
It's a guy I know. I felt like his marriage was a "situation", where the wife needed that stability for her base, and carrying on the rest of her life like "normal". I'm not sure if she cheats on him, but she sure does have a few "single" style conversations outside of her husband. She does give him maintenance rations of sex at this current time, but i explained to him during her single days i bet she had guys she couldn't keep her hands off of... Plus I bet the thought of others even if she does not partake for whatever reason are exciting to her.