Rey cool post. Thanks for posting it.
As pretty much expected, her desire for her husband fell off.
What she wasn’t saying is that she altered the time line just a little. She got online and THEN started to feel desire. Or flirted with someone at the grocery store. This is important because she had to throw her justification in before getting online.
“This time when I wanted to have sex my husband never had the time (he works 2 jobs and gets exhausted)
This is a standard providing husband. Even working 2 jobs to make a life for them. Does this work? Never. It never will.
She will admire him for his hard work and “love” him for it but still fuk the sex man.
How do I know he was the sex man? She let him do things to her she would never let her husband do. A man who worked his life away getting the basic fundamental sex only.
When a man commits to a woman, his status as her lover drops automatically. Almost instantly. This is biology. She lost desire for him and thought it was just a low sex drive situation. Every married man I know gets this same scenario. It makes sense. She doesn’t know why! Love is a fairy tale right?
A woman’s sex drive is never gone. It’s sits idling in the background. It’s still a 300 horse power engine waiting for the light to turn green.
Because she thought she suffered low sex drive, this means she found ways all along to get out of sex for a long time. Or at least a long time for a 300 horse power engine idling in the background.
You are a either the sex man or you are the shelter, food, safety guy. There might have been a time where a man could be both. But the feminine world has decisively wrecked that possibility.