Kenosha Kyle wasted two antifa last night

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Aug 3, 2020
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I grew up in kenosha county also spent a lot of time in Antioch as a kid. Good on these patriots for keeping the rioters in check.

Antioch is right over the border of Illinois. Antioch is full of white people. It used to be nicer until people from Chicago moved up there. "Residents in Antioch, Illinois are preparing for violence as many believe that commies will be entering their town and causing destruction." 1598483838828m.jpg

Heres a play by play of what happened.

This kid was defending himself. Finally Americans are going to put an end to this nonsense. I don't understand why business owners don't just stand on the roofs of their buildings with high powered rifles and shoot anyone who goes on their property.

Let these idiots try to come out to kenosha county everyone is a hunter there. Everyone has guns. Kenosha county is one of the most conservative countys in the state of Wisconsin. Waste those commies baby!!! Trump 2020!!!!
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Aug 3, 2020
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You got to hand it to this kid. He showed extreme restraint too.


Aug 3, 2020
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It's going to be either civil war of coup de tat in the U.S.
No it's not. People are just tired of their communities being destroyed by these antifa /socialists. Besides its the more conservative / right leaning people that own all the guns and have stock piled ammunition and practice. If something really happens I'd just have to go to my brothers, we're both infantry marines... He has guns. My father has guns. My mom even has an aluminum revolver which I scolded her for not keeping it clean enough.

We'd never be able to beat the government, but they can't just kill us all. Firearms are a buffer. Even if they engaged us all, it's a lot more difficult to control us if we're all armed.

It's hilarious because Wisconsin is a really safe place, people are very nice, schools are good, but now you're going to see more and more militias forming and patrolling the streets. This is a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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They were protesting a police shooting where a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back by a racist cop infront of his three children. Who said this kid shot at anyone who was rioting? There were peaceful protesters there exercising their first amendment right and civic duty to protest someone shot in such a vicious way by law enforcement.

Your only logical response to deal with someone who is protesting getting shot or killed by the police is to kill them? Why don't you stop the police killings? Do you even see animals getting shot seven times at close range like that?
Dec 28, 2019
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They were protesting a police shooting where a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back by a racist cop infront of his three children. Who said this kid shot at anyone who was rioting? There were peaceful protesters there exercising their first amendment right and civic duty to protest someone shot in such a vicious way by law enforcement.

Your only logical response to deal with someone who is protesting getting shot or killed by the police is to kill them? Why don't you stop the police killings? Do you even see animals getting shot seven times at close range like that?
idk, from the vids I saw online he seemed to want to protect local business from being burned down which started an altercation whaere they tried to beat him down and presumably shoot him when he grabbed his AR and layed down the hate. dude man was even offering medical help to protesters too... but I dont like to make too hasty of an assumption on either side bc theres always some more game changing information that re frames the whole thing


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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idk, from the vids I saw online he seemed to want to protect local business from being burned down which started an altercation whaere they tried to beat him down and presumably shoot him when he grabbed his AR and layed down the hate. dude man was even offering medical help to protesters too... but I dont like to make too hasty of an assumption on either side bc theres always some more game changing information that re frames the whole thing
I think we should focus on the cause of the protest. An unarmed man who was celebrating his son's 8th birthday is shot in cold blood infront of his children. Anything adding to this to make it sound cool is reframing right? What do you think? The person who took the video has PTSD and can not sleep. The protest for this is just occuring bacause the cops are not even fired yet.


Aug 3, 2020
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They were protesting a police shooting where a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back by a racist cop infront of his three children. Who said this kid shot at anyone who was rioting? There were peaceful protesters there exercising their first amendment right and civic duty to protest someone shot in such a vicious way by law enforcement.

Your only logical response to deal with someone who is protesting getting shot or killed by the police is to kill them? Why don't you stop the police killings? Do you even see animals getting shot seven times at close range like that?
Two people tried to jump kyle from behind before he let off the first shot. Also, yes the cops should have tazed the black guy from kenosha instead of shot him, but there's absolutely zero evidence the cop was racist, just like hour there was absolutely no racism in the George Floyd case, George was on drugs and continued and continued to resist arrest.

I have zero respect for people who throw the word "racist" around with no evidence. At this point I just don't believe anyone who claims a white person or a cop is racist, you all say that about everyone regardless, you say it only because they're white.

The hatred for whites is very clear, so fvck blm, I hope they block the road and get run over because they are a cancer.

Look at crime statistics and how it relates to demographics.

How hilarious that idiots like you have this sentiment that criminals=good and the people who are protecting and serving = bad. Yes some cops are pieces of sh1t but this is just getting retarded.

I simply have zero sympathy for anyone that supports blm. You're the racists. Liberia might be a better choice instead of riding the coattails of my ancestors and complaining about it.

Areas that tend to have majority blacks tend to have a lot more crime, drugs, gun violence etc and this makes cops more cautious and stressed. It makes sense they're going to approach people in those areas differently than places with significantly less crime. It's completely logical.

Peaceful protest is one thing, but these rioters and looters just look for an excuse to steal and destroy, they don't actually give a sh1t about who got shot.


Aug 3, 2020
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I think we should focus on the cause of the protest. An unarmed man who was celebrating his son's 8th birthday is shot in cold blood infront of his children. Anything adding to this to make it sound cool is reframing right? What do you think? The person who took the video has PTSD and can not sleep. The protest for this is just occuring bacause the cops are not even fired yet.
It wasn't in cold blood it idiot. The guy was told to stop moving and he tries to open the door and reach inside the vehicle. They should have just tazed the fvck out of him instead. But what if he was reaching for a gun? I mean an extreme disproportionate amount of murders using a firearm are committing blacks, and look at black pop culture, mostly the music, it glorifies violence and crime. Even the black cops will definitely be prejudice.

Remember what happened it Baltimore? The cops weren't white, the prosecutor was black, the mayor was black, the chief of police was black, and they STILL blamed white people and used it as an excuse to steal and destroy.

Every heard of the parable of the little boy who cried wolf? If you hate on white people I don't care what happens to you or even if you're dehumanized. You have zero evidence those cops were racist or even the cops that restrained George Floyd were racist.

However 13% of the population commits 50% of homicides. That's verifiable.


Aug 3, 2020
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He’s going to jail for murder.

Only a genocidal maniac can defend what that kid did.
No he's not. They hit him from behind before he let off the first shot. It's self defense. Then as he was going towards the police to turn himself in, he was jumped again. Self defense.

You should actually watch the full video if what happened and read about what was going on. You just hate white people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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They were protesting a police shooting where a Black man, Jacob Blake, was shot seven times in the back by a racist cop infront of his three children.
Whoa, Trigger. Even if that shooting was unjustified, you don't know that cop was racist or that his motivations for shooting him were racist. Let's wait for all the facts to come in before we rush to judgement. This wasn't simply some unarmed man visiting his children, the police were there on a domestic abuse call, which Blake had several convictions for. He had a warrant out for his arrest. He had a history of felony firearm charges and sexual assault. He did not cooperate with the police (surprise, surprise), he fought with the police, there were reports he had a knife, and Blake was tased @Trez but he shrugged it off. He went to his car (against police directions) and was reaching inside when he was shot. There was a knife on the driver side of the car.

Now maybe this shooting is unjustified, that's yet to be determined, but if so it sounds more like the cop panicked because he thought he was reaching for a weapon (which he perhaps was). I see no evidence whatsoever that it was racially motivated. For all we know, the guy was trying to commit suicide by cop, all these people who get shot act in very similar ways, they fight the cops.

Even if it was unjustified, that is NO excuse for "peaceful protesters" to go burn down people's businesses in the city and beat people in the streets. Even Joe Biden admits that, finally.


Aug 3, 2020
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Russia has done an outstanding job of infiltrating the USA and causing chaos that will destroy it from within.
Lmao you have to be trolling. If you really believe this you're delusional.

There's zero evidence.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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No he's not. They hit him from behind before he let off the first shot. It's self defense. Then as he was going towards the police to turn himself in, he was jumped again. Self defense.

You should actually watch the full video if what happened and read about what was going on. You just hate white people.
No. Driving across state lines with an AR-15 just to go fvck with a crowd of protesters is anything but self-defense. This piece of trash will rot in prison.


Aug 3, 2020
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No. Driving across state lines with an AR-15 just to go fvck with a crowd of protesters is anything but self-defense. This piece of trash will rot in prison.
To protect people's property from RIOTERS. They weren't peaceful protestors. The one guy had a ****tail bomb in his hand. He was just standing there and they attack him you piece of filth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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To protect people's property from RIOTERS. They weren't peaceful protestors. The one guy had a ****tail bomb in his hand. He was just standing there and they attack him you piece of filth.
No. Protecting other people's property in another state is not self-defense. This murderer will rot in prison.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Two people tried to jump kyle from behind before he let off the first shot. Also, yes the cops should have tazed the black guy from kenosha instead of shot him, but there's absolutely zero evidence the cop was racist, just like hour there was absolutely no racism in the George Floyd case, George was on drugs and continued and continued to resist arrest.
George was resisting arrest by trying to breathe? Is that a criminal offense?

Trez said:
I have zero respect for people who throw the word "racist" around with no evidence. At this point I just don't believe anyone who claims a white person or a cop is racist, you all say that about everyone regardless, you say it only because they're white.

The hatred for whites is very clear, so fvck blm, I hope they block the road and get run over because they are a cancer.

Look at crime statistics and how it relates to demographics.

How hilarious that idiots like you have this sentiment that criminals=good and the people who are protecting and serving = bad. Yes some cops are pieces of sh1t but this is just getting retarded.
Of course, you have the gun so whatever you say is right. That's the argument you are making on this thread. So why should I care about what you think or have to say?

Trez said:
I simply have zero sympathy for anyone that supports blm. You're the racists. Liberia might be a better choice instead of riding the coattails of my ancestors and complaining about it.

Areas that tend to have majority blacks tend to have a lot more crime, drugs, gun violence etc and this makes cops more cautious and stressed. It makes sense they're going to approach people in those areas differently than places with significantly less crime. It's completely logical.

Peaceful protest is one thing, but these rioters and looters just look for an excuse to steal and destroy, they don't actually give a sh1t about who got shot.
More justification to start shooting people. You mentioned you want to take a gun and start mowing people down. Why should I take anything you are saying seriously? You are just spreading hate on here and are probably as racist as the cops who shot that guy in the back.


Aug 3, 2020
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The only way the Russians did anything to affect this country negatively was the Soviets through ideological subversion.

And that was by promoting progressive liberal ideology, the very ideology you adhere too. You're literally part of the problem in that sense.

Also race relations in the US were stable and good until Obama, who's a piece of trash and destroyed the healthcare system and screwed everyone in minimum wage jobs. Obama was a terrible president and he is literally why trump was elected.

Liberalism is a cancer. They want the whole system to be destroyed so they can establish a truly tyrannical system and tread on everyone. Leftists only care about power and will lie, cheat and steal to get it. You support an evil ideology that seeks to enslave people, like its already enslaved blacks via the welfare system. God you people are so blind and slow its unbelievable.
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