Hi Reyaj,
Naah 'taint too bad at all,the important thing is to look after your Health, your Money,Family and friends and your faith...I must say that I live life to the fullest,these times are difficult but they will pass bye and bye...I have never seen such incredible prosperity in my life,as a child I grew up in Post War Britain,in an age of Ration Books and food scarcity,queues 600 yards long to buy one banana a person...Thank God for America and their helping hand.
This is a philanderers site and I must say that as one ages,the quantity of available sex actually improves as you grow older,you don't bother chasing it but know where to find it,the ready availability of cheap drugs like Viagra and Cialis mean that you can feel confident of an enjoyable interface every time...Sure Feminism has made relating to many Women a pvissing contest but there are a lot of good ones out there and you can step around the whole issue by finding an Asian Lady...Living alone can be a bit iffy at times...I had bilateral hip replacements 10+Years ago was tricky,but after a week I was negotiating my third story Bedroom without much pain in ten days I was riding a Bicycle,in five weeks Dancing Tango....The tearing of a Medial ligament in my knee two years ago was more of an issue and I needed a stick for months...Like everything else in life you always need a Plan B up your sleeve...A few years ago my youngest daughter wanted help buying a home I steered her towards a Home with a Self contained Granny Flat in the back Garden,so she has a little earner and Please God I have a bolt hole if ever things go Pear shaped.