Damn bro. I thought this was a pretty straight forward question, but it got me thinking..A-LOT. This is a deep ass question bro. Thanks for giving my mind a workout just now. I've got a nice pump going bro..LOL
I look at continuous improvement as the price of admission to comfortable in current state. I mean when you break down exactly what us human beings are striving for on this planet, it is, literally, to be 'comfortable in current state.' And as hard as I've tried to come up with an explanation for how it works, I truly believe it's a personal decision. Some guys are never comfortable in state, i.e. Trump, Vince McMahon, Jerry Jones, etc. These guys wanted to eat the world and then sh*t it out so they could sell it to the highest bidder. Then there are guys who start a company, it get's acquired and they retire early or go sit on a few boards. Then there's your GF's cousin who lives at home with her parents at the age of 37 and works at Dollar video. And you know what? The mothafuc*a seems pretty content AND happy to me some days.
So who's to say what your definition of comfortable in state is. I do believe it's a range. It's different for everyone.
But I think we can all agree that without continuous improvement it is impossible to achieve comfortable in state. This applies to both your externals (looks, money, status) and your internals (game, being social and comfortable talking to others). I found the more I worked on and improved the former, the more enjoyable I found the latter. I'm convinced that your internals (game, state control, YOUR PERSPECTIVE on life and it's challenges) is what gives you the most peace, i.e. 'comfortable in state' as you get older. I already know that in my later years (70s,80s if I'm lucky) that it'll be the memories I've made and will still make in my 20s and 30s that will help me face that existential fear of death. I've had some very high highs and some very low lows and for me personally, again since it's on a spectrum and is different for everyone, I've come to find that my own mind and thoughts and perspective on my life's events is ALL that truly matters.
Relax and smell the Roses once in a while