For those of you who don’t know, I live in a politically blue state that houses the worst & most corrupt county in all of the United States. Thankfully, we moved to the best county in the United States though, which also happens to be directly across the street from the worst county (gotta love ‘merica!).
In any case, I can’t buy a gun because my state (Illinois) requires me to be enrolled into its gun registry for when they (oligarchy party) decide to disarm the population once they attempt a coup (half-joking, chill...). So I’m wondering what exactly I can do right now to get a gun. I’d been planning on getting one for about a year now, but you need to be 21 to apply, and I just turned 21 in February which is when the pandemic started to spread. So yeah, bad timing....
Not that I’d ever do it, because I am a law-abiding citizen and would never think of breaking the law under any circumstances ever, nor would anyone I have ever known (fuck you feds), but what would happen if someone from Illinois were to travel to another state where no such restrictions exist (i.e. a gun-friendly state), buy guns there, and then come back? And let’s say this person is a natural-born citizen of the United States and has a clean record. Would background checks let the government know that said person purchased a firearm from out of state? How about if purchased with a credit card? The bank/credit card statement would show a transaction, but not what was specifically bought (granting plausible deniability). How about if the firearm was bought with cash from this gun-friendly state? Is that even possible/allowed? How would the shitty state be able to find out?
I personally think that it’s insanely idiotic to require a license to exercise a constitutional right, but fuck it—gun control, amirite? Only police should be allowed to have guns. And the police should apparently be abolished...