In recent threads, I've noticed a pattern in that the OP's problem isn't themselves, rather than, it's dealing with relations with low quality women. It seems across the board, men are accepting of and lowering their standards for themselves. This is ultimately going to lead to issues down the road and lead to an unnecessary waste of their time, energy, and resources. Most of the answers to their issue isn't them or anything they did, but simply who they got involved with from the beginning.
I'm not trying to offend anyone as it is just an observation, but a big part of having dignity and self respect is choosing who you get involved with by screening them.
Low quality women are just that, they're low quality women. And the answer to your problem is sitting directly across from you.
I'm not trying to offend anyone as it is just an observation, but a big part of having dignity and self respect is choosing who you get involved with by screening them.
Low quality women are just that, they're low quality women. And the answer to your problem is sitting directly across from you.