Not a sensitive subject for me. Personally, I wouldn't want to babysit someone else's kids, either....but, I have. I used to look after my nieces, before I had kids of my own, and I had to look after my kids' friends and cousins, when they were young. And, if I live long enough, I expect to have to look after some grandkids, too. My wife is looking forward to that more than I am, though.
I was just curious where the line was for you. Do you have nieces and/or nephews? If so, do you refuse to look after them? How deep does this "no kids" thing go? Obviously, it goes beyond just not having any of your own.
I didn't mean to be a jackasss, but sometimes childhood trauma can be responsible for a complete aversion to children. Frequently, people dislike children, because they think they're "little monsters," because of their on childhood experiences. I'm not trying to psychoanalyze you, and I'm certainly not trying to "cure" your aversion, if that's even what it is.
I was just trying to figure out if this was a personal choice, a psychological aversion to children, in general, or if a widower with grown children was completely out of the question because you didn't want competition for his assets.
If you just don't want to deal with extended family (which is understandable) you might have to find yourself an orphan without siblings, too. Just saying.
Again, not trying to be a diick. Just trying to figure out what you're really talking about.