@AwlaysFukedUp I was in a similar situation to you where I was hyper aware of
texting patterns and things like that with a non-exclusive girl and this is the advice I got from a former mod here:
I know exactly what you mean because I'm basically in the same exact situation: Non-exclusive and no interest from either of us to make it exclusive, she has a high sex drive and we have great sex, but we only see each other once or twice a month, etc.
There were a few changes I made to make it easier to deal with those thoughts that would sometimes creep into my head.
First, this woman was texting me non-stop daily. Good morning, good night.... sometimes she would even text me in the middle of the night when she knew I was asleep and wouldn't respond, just to get thoughts out of her head. Because of this non-stop texting, I ALWAYS knew when she was out having drinks and so forth. I never did and still do not have any issue with her being out and about without me, but I didn't want to be constantly reminded about it either, so I had to start limiting our contact just so I wouldn't have constant updates on her whereabouts. We still keep touch daily, but by ramping it way down I didn't have those constant reminders that would sometimes get my hamster spinning.
Another change I made was increasing the "booty call" opportunities with her. Because of my schedule, her schedule, me being a single father, etc. there is only one or two nights a month when we are both free at the same time and can actually go out, spend the night together and so on. However, there were many more opportunities for us to hook up for brief periods here and there, even if only for an hour or two in many cases. This really helped us break up the long waits between sex that we were dealing with.
On top of that, on the nights she is free and I'm not, she will often stop by my place late at night on her way home from whatever she's doing. This has turned into a routine where she would go out with her friends, end up getting a good buzz on from all of the drinks guys were buying for her and she would just end up in my bed for the romp at the end of it all, then go home."
Based on too many experiences with eyes wide open and too much research and observation, my gut and analysis of women I date has gone way too far. I'd like to suppress the gut instinct and enjoy life a little more, not feel like I'm constantly being played. I want to stop noticing all the little...