This sounds like a silly thread but I am serious. As I have gotten older I have slept with more and more chicks with bacterial vaginosis ( slept with a little less than 4 dozen chicks and 3 had it ). I used to bang a 7/10 cute chick over the span of 6 yrs ( every time we were in the same state). This latest time I noticed she smelled like BV. I didn't say anything. I slept with a girl years back who cant get a man to commit. I am suspecting its her BV. The more promiscuous the girl the more likely she will get it. My hypothesis is that these guys dont commit to these girls partly because of the BV. No guy is brave enough to tell them " hey your puzzy stank" so the guys just kinda stop having sex with the girls. This leaves the girls wondering why no guys wants to stay.
I know this sounds like a silly topic but its true. If a girl have a stinky snatch who would tell her? No guy would. Her gfs wouldn't tell her. Guys will just leave the relationship. This infection is an easy fix too. I bet about 10% of women who have men issues have it because of BV.
I know this sounds like a silly topic but its true. If a girl have a stinky snatch who would tell her? No guy would. Her gfs wouldn't tell her. Guys will just leave the relationship. This infection is an easy fix too. I bet about 10% of women who have men issues have it because of BV.