This is a big problem, too:
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
Corporations, and ever more powerful corporations, are the natural tendency of capitalism - and of human behavior more generally. There is a capitalist myth that it's based on competition, with little artisans competing in some market fair to sell products that they produced and took there from beginning to end by themselves, and they can only make money in some utilitarian exchange where both parties think it's a good deal. In reality, cooperation is so much more efficient than competition that states have to create laws to prevent people from cooperating, like antitrust laws and laws that say investment banks and commercial banks have to be "separate". And it's not necessary for both parties to think it's a good deal in order for transfers of money to take place, just ask victims of conquest, robbery, fraud, racketeering, and so on.
A corporation leverages division of labor and economies of scale first of all, to be more efficient than sole proprietors who do everything by themselves. This is so obvious that we don't even think about it. Then they leverage anticompetitive practices, barriers to entry, network effects and platform monopolies, patent laws, privatization of natural monopolies, cornering the market, and mergers and acquisitions to either exclude competition and grow, or absorb other economic assets into itself. They then cooperate (again, not competing) with politicians through revolving doors/kickbacks/regulatory capture. This may even allow them to commit criminal activities like fraud and merely be slapped on the fingers for it, making it a net gain. Because of that and since the state has a monopoly on what is legal ("licensing" when the state does it, "racketeering" if not) and sets tax policy, buying control of it is one of the highest rates of return on investment that a rich entity can make.
All of these factors in the paragraph above (as well as inheritance) is how big money is
really made, not by "hard work" and "producing value". That's just public relations.
You will never eliminate "crony capitalism" because cronyism is capitalism. And nepotism more generally is natural human behavior. The only way to mitigate it is radical democracy (see economic democracy) as in libertarian socialism, so that economic or political power is not concentrated in any authoritarian oligarchy either economically or politically. But then you have the Iron Law of Oligarchy that Robert Michels coined..... we can only strive to minimize it.