There is no such thing as a 'League' that you are in and there is very little science involved. There are only women who think you're attractive, and women who don't. Brad Pitt is considered to be a 10, even by most men, yet I know plenty of women who don't find him attractive at all. It's all subjective.
I've pulled 10s in the past, and every time I have, it was without even trying. And for the record, most women, let alone 10s, don't look at me twice. You have to play the field as it is and accept it without feeling any emotion. This makes all the difference because it's the change in your mentality that counts. PUA tactics aren't what works, it's the change in your mindset of not caring about the result that works. You can't fake this, you can only do it.
Talk less, and use body language more. If you think a woman is hot, look her in the eyes, smile at her and look at her lips then back at her eyes. The worst she can do is walk away, and you need to ACCEPT that and be cool with it instead of "Like I come home and am like what the fvck". Last year I pulled a woman at a party just by doing this and had her eating out of my hand within seconds. It didn't go anywhere afterwards because I opened my mouth and we realized we were incompatible, but for that night and the first date, it was fun.